Open the Bible with Colin Smith on Bott Radio

Open the Bible

Christian talk radio with Colin Smith


Broadcast Episode


He Owns Me, Part 1

Psalm 23 is one of the best known and best loved chapters in the Bible. In part one of He Owns Me, Pastor Colin talks about how its familiar words bring strength and hope.

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Broadcast Episode


With Humility, Part 1

What keeps us from living together in harmony in our world today? Pastor Colin talks about 2 kinds of pride.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 13

With Generosity, Part 2

How can you bless someone who doesn’t deserve it, or who is very unlikely to return your blessing? Pastor Colin explains that the secret to this kind of generosity lies in the crucifixion.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 12

With Generosity, Part 1

A generous life has three dimensions. Pastor Colin shows that these dimensions reflect the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Christ.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 11

With Steadiness, Part 2

What does God expect of you when you are utterly, unbearably crushed? Pastor Colin talks about some things that God does NOT require of us when we are crushed, and the one thing that He does.

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Open the Bible

Open the Bible is the teaching ministry of Pastor Colin Smith. Our mission is to use a broad array of modern media to help people around the world meet Jesus. We exist to open the Bible with people, help them open the Bible for themselves, and equip them to open the Bible with others so everyone everywhere can experience the transformative power of God’s Word.

Contact Information

Open the Bible
P.O. Box 3454
Barrington, IL 60011
(877) 673-6365

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