A Life in Full
God has commanded that every believer be full of the spirit. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings the story of Stephen, a beautiful example of A Life in Full.
God has commanded that every believer be full of the spirit. Join us for today’s PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham brings the story of Stephen, a beautiful example of A Life in Full.
PowerPoint is the broadcast ministry of Dr. Jack Graham from Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Convinced that the Kingdom of God is a matter of power, not talk, PowerPoint is committed to helping Christians experience that Kingdom power in every area of their lives. This half-hour broadcast will help Christians apply God's Word to everyday living.
PowerPoint is the broadcast ministry of Dr. Jack Graham from Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Convinced that the Kingdom of God is a matter of power, not talk, PowerPoint is committed to helping Christians experience that Kingdom power in every area of their lives. This half-hour broadcast will help Christians apply God's Word to everyday living.
If you want to live an abundant life if you want your life to be filled with peace, balance, strength and enthusiasm for every day . . . you need to learn one necessary thing: How to live in the power and presence of Jesus and the peace that He gives. Listen to PowerPoint today for this important and challenging message.
In this journey of life, we will all find ourselves down roads to Jericho, and we find ourselves confronted with opportunities to show and to share the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Join us on PowerPoint today for the second part of the relevant message titled Jericho Road.
Today, Pastor Jack Graham brings the first part of a powerful message focused on the story of a man who became the platform for Jesus telling one of the most tender and heartwarming stories of all time. Join us for Jericho Road.
The Lord invites us to come to Him in prayer about anything and everything in our lives and He’s given us powerful examples of answered prayers in the lives of His children. On today’s PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham shares the three conditions we must meet in order to ask, receive, and prevail in prayer.
Continuing a look at the book of 1 John, Pastor Jack Graham brings a powerful message today on the apostle John who was transformed by the love of Christ and radically changed. His primary purpose was to share the life of Jesus Christ not only physical but eternal and spiritual life.