Go Tell it on the Mountain » Audio Archive » PowerPoint


Christian talk radio with Jack Graham


Broadcast Episode

December 24, 2024

Go Tell it on the Mountain

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from Acts 1:8 and the words of Jesus from the Mount of Olives. Jesus spoke these words from a mountain, and we are to go to every mountain and every valley proclaiming that Christ is born; that He lived; He died; He rose again; He ascended; and He’s coming again.

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About PowerPoint

PowerPoint is the broadcast ministry of Dr. Jack Graham from Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Convinced that the Kingdom of God is a matter of power, not talk, PowerPoint is committed to helping Christians experience that Kingdom power in every area of their lives. This half-hour broadcast will help Christians apply God's Word to everyday living.

PowerPoint is the broadcast ministry of Dr. Jack Graham from Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Convinced that the Kingdom of God is a matter of power, not talk, PowerPoint is committed to helping Christians experience that Kingdom power in every area of their lives. This half-hour broadcast will help Christians apply God's Word to everyday living.

More from PowerPoint

Broadcast Episode


From Guilt to Grace to Glory

Continuing the Essential Gospel series, Pastor Jack Graham teaches from what many refer to as the core and essential passage in all the Bible Romans 3: 926. Pastor Graham teaches that in this guilt and in this grace and in this glory that is before us, this Gospel is for all who believe.

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Broadcast Episode


The Problem with Religion

Pastor Jack Graham taught about the darkness of human sin and today he points out everyone’s question how do we get out of this darkness? The truth is, religion cannot save, Pastor Graham teaches. Only Jesus Christ can save.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, January 17

Good News-Bad News

Pastor Jack Graham digs into Scripture today that he calls frightening in many ways because you can almost smell the stench of hell. It is in Romans 1 that we are shown the depth and darkness of human sin. In Romans 1:17-32, the apostle Paul makes his case for Christ and the necessity of the Gospel for people to be saved and to go to heaven, Pastor Graham teaches.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, January 16

'Til the Whole World Hears

In his message Til the Whole World Hears, Pastor Jack Graham studies the essence of the apostle Paul, whom he refers to as the greatest Christian who ever lived. Pastor Graham teaches that Paul was a man who was willing to march off the map to do whatever necessary to take the Gospel to the world.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, January 15

It's All About Jesus

Today on PowerPoint, Pastor Jack Graham begins Essential Gospel, an in-depth series on the book of Romans. Pastor Graham tells us that Jesus Christ is the essential Gospel; the eternal Gospel; the exclusive Gospel; and He is the one and only Savior who gives us His Gospel which is not only needed but is necessary.

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