What Are You Talking About? – 2A » Audio Archive » Real Life Radio

Real Life Radio

Christian talk radio with Jack Hibbs


Broadcast Episode

September 06, 2024

What Are You Talking About? - 2A

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then nothing has changed in our lives and we’re still slaves to our sin. But, the true followers of Christ have a deep personal confidence that they’ve been transformed by the power of His resurrection.

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About Real Life Radio

Real Life Radio is the daily, half-hour program of Jack Hibbs, Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California. Pastor Jack is best known for his passionate, expositional teachings, through the timeless truth of God’s Word. Real Life Radio takes listeners verse-by-verse through the Bible.

Real Life Radio is the daily, half-hour program of Jack Hibbs, Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California. Pastor Jack is best known for his passionate, expositional teachings, through the timeless truth of God’s Word. Real Life Radio takes listeners verse-by-verse through the Bible.

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Broadcast Episode


Six Dangers Of The Tongue - A

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that one danger of the tongue is its size. It is small, and yet it can govern our lives. It is connected to who we are and what is in our hearts.

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Saturday, February 15

The Best Is Yet To Come

Believers in Christ have an amazing future to look forward to. In fact, all of eternity with Jesus awaits those who have placed their faith in Him. Join Pastor Jack for a look at Revelation 19 and be encouraged, no matter what you are going through, because the best is yet to come!

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 14

The Tongue, And What It Can Do - B

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that we need to be careful what we say to someone. A mature Christian is always on guard, recognizing our own weakness to keep our mouth under control.

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Thursday, February 13

Follow Your Heart

The Bible says that man's heart is "deceitful and desperately wicked" but what about after we've been born again? Are we now inherently good? When should we "follow our heart" when it comes to our life's choices?

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 13

The Tongue, And What It Can Do - A

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that we need to be mature in the use of our tongues. Our words are not always obedient to the Word of God and can become a real danger to our faith.

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