What Are You Going To Do About Bible Prophecy? » Audio Archive » Real Life Radio

Real Life Radio

Christian talk radio with Jack Hibbs



December 02, 2024

What Are You Going To Do About Bible Prophecy?

Your reaction to Bible prophecy says a lot about your spiritual state. Does Bible prophecy make you scared? Does it make you uncomfortable? Do you tend to avoid it? In today’s podcast episode, Pastor Jack explains how the believer can find comfort in the prophecies of the Bible.

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About Real Life Radio

Real Life Radio is the daily, half-hour program of Jack Hibbs, Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California. Pastor Jack is best known for his passionate, expositional teachings, through the timeless truth of God’s Word. Real Life Radio takes listeners verse-by-verse through the Bible.

Real Life Radio is the daily, half-hour program of Jack Hibbs, Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California. Pastor Jack is best known for his passionate, expositional teachings, through the timeless truth of God’s Word. Real Life Radio takes listeners verse-by-verse through the Bible.

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