Justification by Faith Alone » Audio Archive » Renewing Your Mind

Renewing Your Mind

Christian talk radio with R.C. Sproul


Broadcast Episode

July 14, 2023

Justification by Faith Alone

The doctrine of justification by faith alone addresses this critical question: What must we do to be saved? Today, R.C. Sproul looks at the doctrine that Martin Luther upheld as the article by which the church stands or falls.

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About Renewing Your Mind

To help you hear and do the Word of God, Renewing Your Mind and Renewing Your Mind Weekend delivers substantive Christian education through the radio with Speaker R.C. Sproul: "I dream of a new reformation," Sproul said, "a reformation that is not simply a renewal of life but a new vision of life: a vision that yields new forms and structures in society and culture. As long as Christians restrict their Christianity to a religion a faith that is compartmentalized and isolated from life they can have revival but never ever reformation. We need to hear and do the Word of God in all of our lives."

To help you hear and do the Word of God, Renewing Your Mind and Renewing Your Mind Weekend delivers substantive Christian education through the radio with Speaker R.C. Sproul: "I dream of a new reformation," Sproul said, "a reformation that is not simply a renewal of life but a new vision of life: a vision that yields new forms and structures in society and culture. As long as Christians restrict their Christianity to a religion a faith that is compartmentalized and isolated from life they can have revival but never ever reformation. We need to hear and do the Word of God in all of our lives."

More from Renewing Your Mind

Broadcast Episode


The Ninety-Five Theses

Martin Luther grew concerned about the selling of indulgences and the message it sent to people who sought forgiveness for their sins. Today, R.C. Sproul shows how Luther’s response unintentionally sparked the flames of the Reformation.

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Broadcast Episode

Sunday, October 13

Martin Luther

Martin Luther’s role in the Reformation can hardly be overstated. Today, R.C. Sproul explains how the life of this German monk provides a historical framework for understanding the Reformation and the doctrine of justification by faith alone.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, October 12

Unity in Christ

As the gospel grants us peace with God, we also obtain peace with one another through our union with Christ. From his expositional series in the book of Ephesians, today R.C. Sproul explains how Jesus unites believing Jews and gentiles in His church to form a new humanity.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, October 11

Four Kinds of People

Some people who are truly redeemed may lack assurance of their salvation. Others, who do not belong to Christ, might falsely believe they’re saved. Today, R.C. Sproul considers the challenges we encounter in our pursuit of assurance.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, October 10

Vessels of Destruction

Does God create some people simply so He can pass everlasting judgment on them? Today, R.C. Sproul teaches on a passage he considered to be one of the most difficult texts in all of Scripture.

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