The Fall of a Hero
Even the greatest of our heroes can fall, but our holy God sits enthroned forever in glory. Today, R.C. Sproul looks at the lessons we should learn from the tragic death of King Uzziah.
Even the greatest of our heroes can fall, but our holy God sits enthroned forever in glory. Today, R.C. Sproul looks at the lessons we should learn from the tragic death of King Uzziah.
To help you hear and do the Word of God, Renewing Your Mind and Renewing Your Mind Weekend delivers substantive Christian education through the radio with Speaker R.C. Sproul: "I dream of a new reformation," Sproul said, "a reformation that is not simply a renewal of life but a new vision of life: a vision that yields new forms and structures in society and culture. As long as Christians restrict their Christianity to a religion a faith that is compartmentalized and isolated from life they can have revival but never ever reformation. We need to hear and do the Word of God in all of our lives."
To help you hear and do the Word of God, Renewing Your Mind and Renewing Your Mind Weekend delivers substantive Christian education through the radio with Speaker R.C. Sproul: "I dream of a new reformation," Sproul said, "a reformation that is not simply a renewal of life but a new vision of life: a vision that yields new forms and structures in society and culture. As long as Christians restrict their Christianity to a religion a faith that is compartmentalized and isolated from life they can have revival but never ever reformation. We need to hear and do the Word of God in all of our lives."
There is no middle ground: We either enjoy God’s blessing through faith in Christ or we’re under the curse of God’s wrath. From his sermon series in Galatians, today R.C. Sproul considers the curse that our sin deserves—the curse Jesus bore to redeem His people.