Ep. 10 – The Three Biggest Myths Christians Must Stop Believing About Politics » Audio Archive » The Nebraska Family Alliance Report

The Nebraska Family Alliance Report

Christian talk radio with Nate Grasz


Broadcast Episode

March 04, 2024

Ep. 10 - The Three Biggest Myths Christians Must Stop Believing About Politics

Disdain for Christianity and a Biblical worldview of law and government continues to grow. Learn the three biggest myths about politics and government and how Christians can respond Biblically to stand for truth in the public square.

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About The Nebraska Family Alliance Report

The Nebraska Family Alliance Report provides a quick and easy way to learn about the most important issues impacting Nebraska families from a Biblical worldview. Each week, Nate Grasz, Policy Director at Nebraska Family Alliance, provides timely updates and engaging interviews with elected officials and leading policy experts on the biggest issues facing Nebraska families. The Nebraska Family Alliance Report is Nebraska’s trusted source on the issues that impact Nebraska families, the state, and our nation.

The Nebraska Family Alliance Report provides a quick and easy way to learn about the most important issues impacting Nebraska families from a Biblical worldview. Each week, Nate Grasz, Policy Director at Nebraska Family Alliance, provides timely updates and engaging interviews with elected officials and leading policy experts on the biggest issues facing Nebraska families. The Nebraska Family Alliance Report is Nebraska’s trusted source on the issues that impact Nebraska families, the state, and our nation.

More from The Nebraska Family Alliance Report

Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 11

Ep. 49 - Standing up for Women & Children at the Nebraska Capitol

NFA Advocacy and Engagement Coordinator Elizabeth Nunnally shares about a big week for faith, family, and freedom in the Nebraska Legislature, including testifying in support of LB 89, the Stand with Women Act, and what's up next in the Nebraska Legislature.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, February 3

Ep. 48 - Why Nebraska Needs School Choice with Senator Sorrentino

Nebraska State Senator Tony Sorrentino discusses a big week in the Nebraska Legislature, including his bill, LB 509, the Opportunity Scholarships Act, and the need for freedom and choice in education. Learn what's at stake and how school choice legislation like the Opportunity Scholarships Act can help provide hope to kids and families.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, January 27

Ep. 47 - The Most Important Bills You Need to Know About

Over 700 bills have been introduced in the Nebraska Legislature, and we've read them all, so you don't have to. Hear the breakdown of the most important bills this year that impact family, freedom, and life and why Christians in Nebraska should help support or oppose them.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, January 20

Ep. 46 - The Fight Against Human Trafficking with Dr. Jeanne Allert

January is "Human Trafficking Awareness Month." Dr. Jeanne Allert, founder and CEO of the Institute for Shelter Care and a leading speaker and writer on domestic human trafficking, shares what trafficking looks like in the United States today, what we should learn from recent high-profile cases, and how we all can play a part in helping end human trafficking.

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Broadcast Episode

January 10

Ep. 45 - "Stand with Women Act" Introduced to Save Girls' Sports: What you Need to Know with Senator Kathleen Kauth

The "Stand with Women Act" is a critical bill to protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of women and girls by getting men out of girls' sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms. Nebraska State Senator Kathleen Kauth, the lead sponsor of the Stand with Women Act, shares what Nebraskans need to know about the bill, how to have courage under fire, and what you can do to help stand with women and girls in Nebraska.

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