The Secret of Contentment, Pt. 1 » Audio Archive » The Verdict

The Verdict

Christian talk radio with John Munro


Broadcast Episode

July 03, 2023

The Secret of Contentment, Pt. 1

Our society is often characterized by greed and dissatisfaction.  And whether it’s a new job, a new house, a new car, something someone else has, or something deeper… many of us are constantly seeking something more. But on this episode of The Verdict Pastor John Munro shares a liberating message about the secret of contentment.

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About The Verdict

In each program, listeners are challenged to turn to the Bible and render a “verdict” as they consider their personal response to the truth of God’s Word. Pastor John Munro presents a clear, no-nonsense examination of Scripture, offering insight and application for all backgrounds, from those unfamiliar with the Gospel to mature believers following Christ.

In each program, listeners are challenged to turn to the Bible and render a “verdict” as they consider their personal response to the truth of God’s Word. Pastor John Munro presents a clear, no-nonsense examination of Scripture, offering insight and application for all backgrounds, from those unfamiliar with the Gospel to mature believers following Christ.

More from The Verdict

Broadcast Episode


Israel’s Unbelief, Pt. 2

In the Old Testament, God adopts the nation of Israel as His chosen people.  But now that Jesus the Messiah has come and offered salvation to all, what does that mean for Israel?   Pastor John Munro teaches from the book of Romans on how Israel will continue to play a vital role in God’s purposes.

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Broadcast Episode


Israel’s Unbelief, Pt. 1

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God for salvation to all who believe. And this good news is for everyone. So does this mean that the church has now replaced Israel as God’s chosen people? Pastor John Munro continues in Romans, and explores Paul’s discussion of the future of Israel.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, September 17

Hearing and Believing, Pt. 2

Followers of ChristFollowers ofGoFollo know that sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others is essential to our very purpose. But, sadly, we often avoid it. Pastor John Munro presents a clear understanding of God’s way of saving people, and the specific role we’re called to play.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, September 16

Hearing and Believing, Pt. 1

For followers of Christ, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be top priority.  Yet in practice, we often lack the motivation or confidence to follow through—and then feel guilty. Pastor John Munro explores the process of evangelism and the role we play in a way that will change your attitude and perspective.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, September 13

Jesus is Lord, Pt. 2

Some people believe that if they follow certain traditions, or live sincere lives, they will achieve salvation. Pastor John Munro explains how salvation is not a reward given by God at the end of your life. The work of salvation has been perfectly completed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Find out why this such a key distinction.

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