The Security of Grace, Pt. 2 » Audio Archive » The Verdict

The Verdict

Christian talk radio with John Munro


Broadcast Episode

December 08, 2023

The Security of Grace, Pt. 2

These days, not much in life seems certain. It’s difficult to know who to trust, and even our closest friends and family can let us down. But there is one thing we can know for sure: the security of our salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ. On this episode of The Verdict, Pastor John Munro helps us to realize and rely on the security of God’s grace.

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About The Verdict

In each program, listeners are challenged to turn to the Bible and render a “verdict” as they consider their personal response to the truth of God’s Word. Pastor John Munro presents a clear, no-nonsense examination of Scripture, offering insight and application for all backgrounds, from those unfamiliar with the Gospel to mature believers following Christ.

In each program, listeners are challenged to turn to the Bible and render a “verdict” as they consider their personal response to the truth of God’s Word. Pastor John Munro presents a clear, no-nonsense examination of Scripture, offering insight and application for all backgrounds, from those unfamiliar with the Gospel to mature believers following Christ.

More from The Verdict

Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 7

Sloth, Pt. 1

Out of all the Seven Deadly Sins, one of the most overlooked is the sin of sloth. And while it may sound just like laziness, sloth is also about living a life without purpose. Pastor John Munro exposes the root of the problem and shares the biblical solution for the deadly sin of sloth.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 6

Anger, Pt. 2

Pastor John Munro continues a fascinating study on the Seven Deadly Sins by addressing the dangers of anger. Anger can be justifiable, but it can also be selfish and deadly. Don't let this powerful emotion control your life and relationships—instead, discover how the Spirit of God can produce peace and harmony in your life.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 5

Anger, Pt. 1

Anger. We all experience this natural human emotion, but if we’re not careful, our anger can quickly turn into sin. Pastor John Munro explores what the Bible has to say about dealing with anger, and how to embrace the peace of God instead as we continue our study on the Seven Deadly Sins.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 4

Envy, Pt. 2

When we experience envy, we become focused on comparing ourselves with others, which often leads to discontentment, resentment, or even hatred. But there is a better way! Pastor John Munro discusses how to overcome the destructive sin of envy, and to trust instead in God's sovereign plan for our lives.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, January 31

Pride, Pt. 2

It seems natural to be proud of our talents and achievements, but pride is a dangerous thing. It’s the universal sin which can manifest in very subtle ways, and it’s a temptation we all must take very seriously. In this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro teaches us how to recognize and overcome the sin of pride.

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