Young Man Beaten for Sharing Gospel » Audio Archive » The Voice of the Martyrs Radio

The Voice of the Martyrs Radio

Christian talk radio with Todd Nettleton



Thursday, August 29

Young Man Beaten for Sharing Gospel

On February 21, 2024, a 20-year-old Christian man was badly beaten for sharing the gospel. He was taken to the hospital with a severe head wound. All the medical personnel who saw him said he would not survive, but his surgery was successful, and he has returned home to recover.

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About The Voice of the Martyrs Radio

Founded by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, The Voice of the Martyrs has been dedicated to assisting persecuted Christians worldwide since 1967—through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. Voice of the Martyrs Radio is the weekly radio outreach of the ministry. Host Todd Nettleton interviews courageous Christians in countries where the gospel is opposed or banned altogether. These brave believers share their stories of how lives are being changed around the world.

Founded by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, The Voice of the Martyrs has been dedicated to assisting persecuted Christians worldwide since 1967—through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. Voice of the Martyrs Radio is the weekly radio outreach of the ministry. Host Todd Nettleton interviews courageous Christians in countries where the gospel is opposed or banned altogether. These brave believers share their stories of how lives are being changed around the world.

More from The Voice of the Martyrs Radio

Broadcast Episode


VOM Radio 10th Anniversary Special: Praising God for a Decade of Inspiring Testimonies from Persecuted Christians

Over the last decade, God has allowed VOM Radio the opportunity to bring you into fellowship with persecuted Christians and tell the stories of what God is doing around the world even amid suffering and persecution. This week we’ll look back on some of the most moving moments of the first decade of VOM Radio. It was September of 2014 when The Voice of the Martyrs began releasing new VOM Radio episodes weekly. The first episode introduced listeners to members of our persecuted family in China. Gina, a gospel worker with YWAM Frontier Missions and Julian, serving with Operation Mobilization, told in 2015 how God was drawing Muslims to himself – even ISIS fighters were coming to faith in Christ! By watching the JESUS Film in his Turkmen heart language, Silas’s life was forever changed. Several guests over the years have told of being imprisoned for Christ just as the founders of The Voice of the Martyrs, Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, were imprisoned for their faith. Helen Berhane, who spent many months locked in a shipping container in Eritrea, reminds us that everything—including following Jesus—will cost us. Listen to how David Byle and Petr Jasek, both imprisoned for Christ, saw God’s purpose for them in prison as they shared the gospel, and how Dan Baumann was reminded that God could still change people’s hearts, even in prison in Iran. You’ll hear these stories of heroic faith and also stories of faith overcoming fear, like Maria praying God would remove her fear after Cuban authorities issued an arrest warrant for her husband. God has inspired thousands with the testimonies of martyrs’ widows who publicly forgave their husband’s killers, like Anita Smith and Pauline Ayyad. Hannelie Groenewald shares how she learned that her husband and teen-aged children had been killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Also Gary Witherall remembers how God ministered to him after his wife, Bonnie, was killed for her faith in Lebanon. More than seven years after his abduction, Susanna Koh still doesn’t know what happened to her husband, Pastor Raymond Koh. After a season of great loss, Nik and Ruth Ripken chose to sit at the feet of persecuted Christians to learn from them about following Christ in difficulty and suffering. THANK YOU for listening to the stories of our persecuted family over the last ten years! We pray that VOM Radio will continue to build a bridge of fellowship between fellow members of the Body of Christ whether they live in free nations, hostile areas or restricted nations. What episodes most moved or inspired you during the first 10 years of VOM Radio? Share your most impactful episode. Never miss an episode! Subscribe to the podcast.

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Thursday, September 12

Christian Attacked on Street

Bassam has been attacked by people angered that he left Islam, but their outrage doesn't deter him from sharing his faith. "He is not afraid to tell people that his life has been changed by Christ, and that has put a target on his back," said a front-line worker. Bassam was walking through a dim alley when he felt compelled to move toward a main street with more light. Just as he reached the main road, two men wearing black masks attacked him with a wooden rod, swinging it at his head. Bassam blocked the strike, but the rod broke his arm. "He believes the attack was a part of the cost of being a Christ follower," said the front-line worker.

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Thursday, September 12

Meetings Encourage Khmu Christians

In early 2024, 50 persecuted Khmu Christians from several villages participated in a gathering at a church where they could share their struggles and stories with other persecuted Christians; support and pray for one another; and receive encouragement from God's Word. Front-line workers chose the location used because Christians at the host church have faced intense persecution in recent years, including the destruction of crops and forced payments for spirit sacrifices in the village.

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Thursday, September 12

Husband Abuses Wife, Daughters for Following Christ

Omina was raised a Muslim, but when she started visiting a local church, she began to experience God's love and care in a way she had never known before. She and her two daughters eventually became followers of Christ. But when her Muslim husband learned of their newfound faith, he threatened them and tried to force them to return to Islam. After they refused, he mocked them, beat them and withheld food from them.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, September 7

Making Waves With Radio: “We Want People to Hear About Jesus”

Working together, a Canadian with a vision, a businessman from Tampa, Florida, and tentmaking missionaries in Israel launched a ministry that today is making a gospel impact in more than 140 countries. Listen this week as Tim Whitehead, Executive director for Galcom International in Canada, tells the story of how Galcom started in 1989 producing solar powered radios that could be locked into specific frequencies where listeners in a given location would hear Christian broadcasts. He’ll also share how Galcom has moved forward as technology advanced in the last 35 years—including helping launch more than 200 radio stations to provide gospel broadcast content in places where none previously had been available. Galcom continues toward the goal of reaching remote villages across the world to share Jesus Christ with more and more people, especially among unreached people groups (UPGs). “When they receive these radios,” Tim says, “it shows them they are not forgotten.” Listen for four barriers that can be overcome by gospel radio broadcasts, and how volunteers build thousands of radios each year for distribution all over the world. Tim will also share how Galcom and The Voice of the Martyrs started partnering together to serve Christians in Colombia and how that partnership expanded into West Africa and other parts of the globe. Join us next week for a special episode sharing highlights of the past decade as September 2024 marks the ten-year anniversary of VOM Radio. Please share how you’ve been encouraged and inspired by the testimonies and stories of our persecuted Christian family on VOM Radio over the past 10 years. Never miss an episode! Subscribe to the podcast.

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