Nehemiah Goes into Action (Part 2 of 2) » Audio Archive » Truth For Life

Truth For Life

Christian talk radio with Alistair Begg


Broadcast Episode

October 06, 2023

Nehemiah Goes into Action (Part 2 of 2)

Given a seemingly impossible task, when should you take action? Should you wait if you’re still fearful after praying? Does fear mean you need to pray more or better… or that you’re not trusting God? Hear the answers on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.

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About Truth For Life

Truth For Life is the radio ministry of Pastor Alistair Begg. Our Mission is to teach the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches will be strengthened.

Truth For Life is the radio ministry of Pastor Alistair Begg. Our Mission is to teach the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches will be strengthened.

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Broadcast Episode


Kindness and Goodness (Part 2 of 2)

Simple acts of kindness can be a powerful way to point others to Jesus. But anyone can act nice—so what distinguishes Christian kindness? Learn how to discern supernatural goodness when you listen to Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.

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Broadcast Episode


Kindness and Goodness (Part 1 of 2)

Sometimes kindness is motivated by a selfish agenda—perhaps to look good, to impress someone, or to get something in return. Find out how Christian kindness and goodness should be different, on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 11

Patience (Part 2 of 2)

Advances in technology have made many aspects of life—travel, communication, entertainment—faster than ever before. So why does it seem like we’re much less patient? Join Alistair Begg on Truth For Life for a closer look at this topic.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, February 10

Patience (Part 1 of 2)

Some believe you’re either born with patience or not. But that’s not what Scripture teaches. On Truth For Life, Alistair Begg shows us how God models patience and explains how He uses trials—the very things that test our patience—to develop our it.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, February 8

“Behold Your God!” (Part 3 of 4)

It’s surprisingly easy to create an idol, even out of the good things God has given. Learn about the power behind idols, and discover how futile and dangerous it is to worship anything other than the one true God. Join us on Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.

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