A Great Day (Pt. 1) » Audio Archive » Turning Point

Turning Point

Christian talk radio with David Jeremiah


Broadcast Episode

October 04, 2023

A Great Day (Pt. 1)

Being caught up with Christ and ushered into heaven—that will be a great day, indeed! Dr. David Jeremiah begins his definitive series on the Rapture with biblical wisdom to help you prepare for the day Christ returns for His Church. From the series: The Great Disappearance

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About Turning Point

In one glorious moment your life changes. It could be as simple as a whisper in the wind or as revealing as the miracle of a new life. For every person that moment is a unique experience to hold onto forever. When God's Word changes the direction of your life that change is the "Turning Point" to an extraordinary new beginning. Dr. David Jeremiah founder of Turning Point Ministries is a communicator with a common sense approach to current issues providing Christians with sound Bible teaching relevant to today's world.

In one glorious moment your life changes. It could be as simple as a whisper in the wind or as revealing as the miracle of a new life. For every person that moment is a unique experience to hold onto forever. When God's Word changes the direction of your life that change is the "Turning Point" to an extraordinary new beginning. Dr. David Jeremiah founder of Turning Point Ministries is a communicator with a common sense approach to current issues providing Christians with sound Bible teaching relevant to today's world.

More from Turning Point

Broadcast Episode

Saturday, February 15

Happy Are the Hurting

If you’ve experienced grief, Jesus said there’s a special blessing reserved just for you. Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on that blessing, and on how God can turn sorrow into satisfaction. From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 14

Happy Are the Hungry (Pt. 2)

Spiritual hunger should be as strong a driving force in our lives as physical hunger. But that’s where the similarity ends. Dr. David Jeremiah explains why the two types of hunger are so dramatically different, while offering biblical principles to help increase our spiritual appetite. From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 13

Happy Are the Hungry (Pt. 1)

Physical hunger can consume every thought and desire. Should spiritual hunger be any less powerful? Dr. David Jeremiah explains why God wants His children to be hungry, spiritually speaking, and why the result is so uniquely satisfying. From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 12

Happy Are the Harnessed (Pt. 2)

The quality of meekness stands in stark contrast to a culture that prizes personal ambition and aggressive achievement. Does meekness still serve a purpose? Dr. David Jeremiah says, “Yes!” and shares several reasons why this maligned quality is still very much in need. From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 11

Happy Are the Harnessed (Pt. 1)

What comes to mind when you hear Jesus’ words, “Blessed are the meek”? If you picture someone weak, spineless and submissive, you’re in for a surprise. Dr. David Jeremiah explains the original meaning of meekness and why it’s worth taking to heart if you want to be happy. From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus

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