Hope–An Anchor For Life (Pt. 2) » Audio Archive » Turning Point

Turning Point

Christian talk radio with David Jeremiah


Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, January 14

Hope--An Anchor For Life (Pt. 2)

Nothing can make you feel more lost and adrift than hopelessness, nor more secure than hope. No wonder the writer of Hebrews says hope is like an anchor. Dr. David Jeremiah continues his series on hope with a look at the three qualities that make hope so uniquely fulfilling for the believer. From the series: Hope--An Anchor for Life

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About Turning Point

In one glorious moment your life changes. It could be as simple as a whisper in the wind or as revealing as the miracle of a new life. For every person that moment is a unique experience to hold onto forever. When God's Word changes the direction of your life that change is the "Turning Point" to an extraordinary new beginning. Dr. David Jeremiah founder of Turning Point Ministries is a communicator with a common sense approach to current issues providing Christians with sound Bible teaching relevant to today's world.

In one glorious moment your life changes. It could be as simple as a whisper in the wind or as revealing as the miracle of a new life. For every person that moment is a unique experience to hold onto forever. When God's Word changes the direction of your life that change is the "Turning Point" to an extraordinary new beginning. Dr. David Jeremiah founder of Turning Point Ministries is a communicator with a common sense approach to current issues providing Christians with sound Bible teaching relevant to today's world.

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Broadcast Episode


Happy Are the Humble (Pt. 2)

Celebrities who seem to “have it all” are often miserable, while the happiest people tend to live outside the spotlight, quietly serving others. Are you surprised? Dr. David Jeremiah examines this phenomenon. From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus

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Broadcast Episode


Happy Are the Humble (Pt. 1)

When Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” was He referring to material poverty? A sour attitude? Or something else entirely? Dr. David Jeremiah considers the meaning behind this first Beatitude and how it can help us experience deep joy and satisfaction. From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 4

Life Outside the Amusement Park (Pt. 2)

The harder you search for it, the harder it is to find. In fact, most people who find it were looking for something else altogether! Dr. David Jeremiah teaches the pursuit of happiness as taught by Christ in His Sermon on the Mount. From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, February 3

Life Outside the Amusement Park (Pt. 1)

Some say nothing should stand in the way of your happiness. Others say happiness and holiness can’t coexist. What did Jesus say about happiness? Dr. David Jeremiah explores that very subject: How to be Happy According to Jesus. You might be surprised by what He has to say! From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, February 1

Hope for Our Church

A generation ago, most people belonged to a church, the Bible was preached boldly and it influenced society and its values. Sadly, that’s hardly the case anymore. Dr. David Jeremiah examines the state of the church and encourages us not to give up hope, but rather to remember why the church exists in the first place. From the series: Hope--An Anchor for Life

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