The Whole Armor of God - Bott Radio Network

The Whole Armor of God

Putting on the “whole armor of God” is essential in our Christian walk. God gives His armor for our protection, and this collection of broadcasts will give you valuable insight into its importance, and how we should wear it every day.

Now Playing: What's the Significance of Paul's Description of the Full Armor of God? - Core Christianity with Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez
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What's the Significance of Paul's Description of the Full Armor of God?


Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez


Core Christianity


Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Key questions answered in today's show: 1. There is this famous quote that we should preach the gospel always and if necessary use words to point out that Christian's lives should so demonstrate love, that people would almost be able to see something of the gospel in how we live. Do you think this is helpful advice? 2. How can I better minister to other believers? Can you guys help me increase my potential in this? 3. When Paul talks about putting on the full armor of God in Ephesians 6, do you think he is drawing on the imagery of a Roman soldier or OT passages? 4. What does the Bible say about hunting wild game? 5. As I was reading in Numbers 28-29 where the Lord is laying out offerings for special days and feasts, I noticed for those that call for no work it is translated "no ordinary work" except for the day of atonement where the Lord says "You shall do no work". Is there a difference between no work and no ordinary work? 6. Do you believe Satan can still go before God and accuse believers as he did with Job? It seems a ridiculous waste of time to bring charges to one who Satan knows will be acquitted.
February 29, 2020 | Armor of God, Part 1


Chris Katulka


Friends of Israel Today


There is conflict all over the world. Conflict inside countries, families, even churches. Sometimes we can get so entangled in the details of conflict that we forget that there is something bigger going on that we can’t see, spiritual warfare. We’re starting a three-week study on the Armor of God. Chris is taking us to Ephesians 6 where we’ll learn ...
March 7, 2020 | Armor of God, Part 2


Chris Katulka


Friends of Israel Today


This week, we continue our series on the armor of God. Chris will take each piece and explain the reason it is vital to our Christian walk. The armor belongs to God but it is our responsibility to put it on. In Ephesians 6:14-17, Paul speaks of the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, sandals of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. God is the one that supplies this armor. The question is: Are you wearing your armor today? Don’t miss this important truth from God’s Word!
March 14, 2020 | Armor of God, Part 3


Chris Katulka


Friends of Israel Today


This week’s program concludes our three-part series on the armor of God. Last week we reviewed each piece of armor God has offered so we can equip ourselves for spiritual warfare. Now we’re taking a look at the next steps He instructed us to take in Ephesians 6:18.
Putting on the Armor, Part 1


Tony Evans


The Alternative


If God already knows what's going on in our lives and knows what he plans to do about it, what's the point of prayer? In this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans has some surprising answers to that question as he talks about putting God's armor to work in our lives.
Putting on the Armor, Part 2


Tony Evans


The Alternative


It may not look like God is doing much in your life right now. But Dr. Tony Evans says that there's a lot more to reality than the part we can see. It's a look at the benefits of wearing the whole armor of God in this lesson.
Strong Armor for Weak Sheep, Part 1


Chuck Swindoll


Insight for Living


When we come to a passage such as Ephesians 6:13-20, our tendency is to think that we need to be strong in ourselves, that we need to get ourselves in shape for the battle. Wrong. We are actually mere sheep we can't fight, we don't run very fast, and we don't come across as very menacing to our enemies. And it is precisely because we are sheep that Gods armor is so important in our lives. He provides us access to His armor that we might have a chance of success in the battle against evil.
Strong Armor for Weak Sheep, Part 2


Chuck Swindoll


Insight for Living


When we come to a passage such as Ephesians 6:13-20, our tendency is to think that we need to be strong in ourselves, that we need to get ourselves in shape for the battle. Wrong. We are actually mere sheep we can't fight, we don't run very fast, and we don't come across as very menacing to our enemies. And it is precisely because we are sheep that Gods armor is so important in our lives. He provides us access to His armor that we might have a chance of success in the battle against evil.
Strong Armor for Weak Sheep, Part 3


Chuck Swindoll


Insight for Living


When we come to a passage such as Ephesians 6:1320, our tendency is to think that we need to be strong in ourselves, that we need to get ourselves in shape for the battle. Wrong. We are actually mere sheep we can't fight, we don't run very fast, and we don't come across as very menacing to our enemies. And it is precisely because we are sheep that Gods armor is so important in our lives. He provides us access to His armor that we might have a chance of success in the battle against evil.
Our Shining Armor


James Montgomery Boice


Bible Study Hour


Everyone has heard the old sports adage, "A great defense is the best offense." Interestingly enough, the Bible seems to agree, at least when it comes to spiritual warfare and the armor of God. In fact, five of the six pieces of armor are defensive.