I have always believed in God. I now try to follow the Word and Bott Radio Network helps me to keep on the way to living the Word.
I could not afford cable, and only tuned in to Bott Radio Network for several years. Jesus had a tough job with me, but He did it! And through Bott Radio Network, he keeps at it.
Thank you, Bott Radio Network, for ministering to both Christian and non-Christians. Thank you for not being cautious about Truth, life and our Lord.
I found Bott Radio Network in 2005 while driving through Jefferson City. I am blessed by the messages on a routine basis. It always amazes me to see how God works when you invite Him in.
I have been saved since I was fifteen years old and I am fifty-six now. It is the truth when I say, I have received a more complete knowledge of the Bible and my purpose on Earth as a Christian in the last two years than in the previous 54 years of my life.
So thankful you are on the air now! I didn’t realize how much I was missing Bott Radio Network (used to live in St. Louis). Thank you!
I am a truck driver and listen to Bott Radio Network when I am at home. I feel that out of all the Christian radio stations, yours seems to have the best line-up I have ever come across.
Our family has enjoyed and benefited from your excellent broadcasting through the years. It is reassuring to know we can depend on quality and accurate teaching.
I want to learn and grow in my faith. I need God’s Word to be part of my day. Bott Radio Network is a good way for me to do that. I pray God will continue to bless your work in combating that plan.
Bott Radio Network helps me build and stay strong in my faith. God uses BRN as one of his tools to fill my heart with joy! I’ve listened to BRN for approximately 10 years now.
I began listening to Bott Radio Network in St. Louis 12 years ago and it completely changed my life! I was so impacted that, a few years subsequent, I began attending St. Louis Christian College and am now about to graduate.
I found Bott Radio Network, and over the next three days God used the programs on BRN to speak to me. I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ and I continue to read the Bible and listen to BRN programs for spiritual growth.
Trying to keep faith in these times is hard. With Bott Radio Network, suppressing sin and striving to walk the right path is made somewhat easier. BRN is simply good spiritual medicine.
Your network has been a Godsend to me. I have grown and learned much more than at any other time in my life. I am thankful and grateful for your radio station. You have changed my life.
I like the great selection of Bible teachers and the Christian talk programs. I listen to your station in my car and when I can at home. I have learned a lot and know I need to learn much more. Thank you for the quality of programs you maintain.
Bott Radio Network has been an absolute treasure in my life. I am encouraged daily, taught biblical truth daily, convicted through the Holy Spirit and laugh regularly with BRN.
I love the outstanding Christian preachers and other great programs. I have ALL the radios in my house set on 99.9 FM. I can’t remember how many years I have listened but it must be close to 20.
I have learned so much from your daily broadcast while I am at work. I think it is amazing we have such great access to truth of God’s Word and Christian radio at our fingertips.
I thirst to hear the Word of God, and I get much peace from hearing your programs all day long.
I really love to learn the Word of God from your great list of great Bible teachers. I love your programs. Keep up the good work you are doing for the Lord, and our prayers are with you for your continued growth in spreading the Word.
I learn so much just by listening to the Bott Radio Network programs. There have been times when we have drove into the driveway my 11-year-old daughter would ask to leave the radio on so she could finish listening to the program!
As a new Christian Bott Radio Network really helps me to grow in my faith by listening to the many different teachings. I am going through a very difficult time right now and your Christian radio helps me stay focused on God.
Programs on Bott Radio Network are uplifting, encouraging, motivating, and educational. BRN has been a companion for me during my time as a Christian, and I’ve benefited extremely from its existence and availability.
Welcome to Hays, 93.3 FM! We listened to Bott Radio Network in Kansas City when visiting our children and are thrilled to have you in Western Kansas.
I tell everyone in my family and all my friends and even strangers that if they really want to change their lives they need to begin by listening to Bott Radio Network. It completely changed my life. I am truly a changed heart.
Five years ago I was a lost Christian soul and searching for something meaningful to listen to. I found Bott Radio Network and then found my way back to Christ. My radios at work, home and in my car are always tuned to BRN.
Thank you so much that we can listen to Bott Radio Network on our computer. It is such a blessing. Thank you for spreading God’s Word and informing us of important issues in our country.
I’ve found no other Christian broadcasting, on the Internet and around the world, with the depth of good teaching offered by Bott Radio Network.
Now we are so excited that God has blessed our community with your ministry. We will be promoting BRN in all of our upcoming worship services.
I am so thrilled to have your stations in Rolla and Cuba, Missouri. I keep my radio tuned in day and night. I am so grateful to be able to receive your programs and thank the Lord and you for your efforts to reach all of Missouri.
I have listened to 107.9 FM ever since it came to Kirksville, Missouri. Christian radio helped my wife and I gain wisdom in our relationship as husband and wife, raise our children, witness to others along the way.
I listen about 8 hours a day while working and traveling. Thanks for your stations. They help me stay close to Jesus.
My husband and I listen to your radio station because it is the only radio station that consistently has Christ-centered information. We believe you must fill your mind with as much about Christ as you can.
As a Bi-vocational Pastor of a small Southern Baptist Congregation, I need to be “fed” the Word as well. I find that when I listen to your radio station. I encourage my congregation to listen to your station as well.
You are a bright light in my day, and I praise God you are on the airwaves bringing the truth to the masses. I have learned so much from your broadcasts and shared the messages with others, as well as pointing them to your station.
Thanks so much for the ministry your programming plays in my spiritual life. Our family is going through situations financially that are testing our faith to the ultimate degree. The lessons by your programs have been so encouraging to me!
I listen to Bott Radio Network because of the Christian foundation. I know I can stay informed about social issues and freedoms relevant to my Christian standards and walk. I applaud your dedication to a quality.
All of your programs are wonderful. I commute to work each morning and it’s a wonderful way to hear the Word preached with such power. I appreciate the fine programs.
I love Bott Radio Network. Living in Manhattan, Kansas I could not get it for many years so I am thrilled to have this opportunity again. Thank you for including the Manhattan area.
I listen to you on 90.5 FM and 106.1 FM in Abilene and Manhattan, Kansas. Thank you and may God bless your program. Your station is such a blessing that helps us with our daily walk with the Lord.
Bott Radio Network has helped me understand God and what I am supposed to do as a born again Christian. BRN helps me to be a better follower of Jesus Christ.
I’ve been looking for a Christian radio station and found the Bott Radio Network. I feel God lead me there. The programs have been very inspirational and encouraging in getting my spiritual life in order.
Bott Radio Network has the best programming for Christians anywhere I have ever lived. It is such a good way to be fed. BRN has a great lineup of programs and is a good source for Christian news.
Bott Radio Network is such a blessing! Thanks so much for being there for me and every other Christian out there! Praise the Lord; you are great!
Thank you for this new station we can hear in Green, Kansas. Since I travel 45 minutes each day to and from work, I was thrilled to come across this new station. I am so happy to hear you–what an encouragement this is.
I really appreciate all the Christian programs you air. It is a blessing to be able to turn on the radio and be so uplifted.
I came to Christ in my car at the age of 60 while listening to Chuck Swindoll. My life has been enriched and my love for the Bible deepened through your daily programs.
I am so thankful to have 99.9 FM playing here in the California Central Valley. All are “daily bread” to me and I know for many others, too.
I absolutely love your station and am grateful for it every day. God has spoken to me directly through your program many times.
One day, 3 years ago, I discovered BRN in Columbia, Missouri. A year-and-a-half ago I relocated back home to St. Louis and was delighted to find you there. I thank God for you everyday!
First, let me just say what a HUGE fan I am of the Bott Radio Network. I have been listening to 640 AM for over ten years now, and many of the ministries I’ve heard have blessed me significantly.
Your programming is wonderful and Bible-based without compromising the integrity of God’s Word. I pray for Bott Radio Network often because your programming has been such an integral part of my growth as a new Christian.
Bott Radio Network has helped me so much with my Christian walk with the Lord. It has answered many of my questions. Life means so much more to me now. I love all the programs and thank God that He directed me to your website.
Thank you, Bott Radio Network, for being committed to broadcasting quality Bible teaching. I attend a church that also faithfully teaches God’s Word, but having your station available throughout the week is a great encouragement.
I crave spiritual nourishment and wisdom from the scriptures, and the Bible preachers and teachers on Bott Radio Network are wonderful. They help me to walk with the Holy Spirit during the week.
I appreciate the uncompromising teaching and unwavering focus on Christ your programs offer. Thank you for your ministry and for bringing your broadcasts to the St. Louis area.
I was “reeled in by God” and started attending a Christian church. I was baptized about a month ago and the Lord is doing wonderful things in my life. All this happened because your station was there for me to listen to. Had it not been there, who knows where I would be now.
I have been listening to Bott Radio Network for a couple of years now. I have been truly blessed by your programming. I found (or I should say the Lord showed me) BRN by chance, and I never changed the channel.
Your radio station is what led my husband and me to Jesus several years ago. We have grown so much as Christians through Bott Radio Network. Your programs started our walk with Jesus Christ. We believed before, but because of you we “know.”
I wanted to tell you I love Bott Radio Network. I listen all day. My life is better, my brain works harder, my outlook is rosier, my goals are bigger, and my family and friends are benefiting from me being a listener!
Bott Radio Network is my life source when I need inspiration. I’m 25 years old and need something to give me hope. Your programs do that while keeping me grounded and motivated. Words cannot describe how much BRN means to me.
I want to first thank you for the great work you all are doing to further the gospel. The station has been a tremendous blessing to me in the two short years of my Christian life.
Bott Radio Network helped me to grow closer to God, and I have learned a great deal. It has truly been a blessing to me and a friend to a lonely soul.
I am a police officer and enjoy listening to your station. I pray God will give me wisdom and understanding for every situation I face on the job and in my personal life. Listening helps me keep my heart and mind fixed on God’s everlasting truth.
I was excited you have streaming audio service via the Internet. I recently returned from a one year Army assignment in Korea, and have frequently thought how good it would have been to hear your broadcasts there. I also told my Christian colleagues still in Korea about Bott Radio Network.
I have a thirst for the Lord and Bott Radio Network helps keep me close to Him. I am a recovering alcoholic, but have a New Life in Him. I have been sober for three years now, which is all due to God’s grace and my love for Him.
I always long to be challenged in my faith and the programs on Bott Radio Network do just that. I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and BRN’s site allows me to listen to the programs I enjoy even though I’m not at home.
I am hooked on your radio station. It is the ONLY thing I listen to in the car, and as soon as I get home I turn the radio on in my kitchen and listen some more. Thanks for the awesome programs!
Bott Radio Network was very instrumental in growing my faith. I could not get enough of God’s teaching and BRN was a terrific support. That was 12 years ago and His blessings have been so good ever since!
I am a new listener to Bott Radio Network on 91.5 FM and wanted to let you know how much I enjoy the morning programs.
While living in Memphis I enjoyed Bott Radio Network and was continually encouraged by the programming. Since moving we have sincerely missed BRN. You touched my life and helped me grow in many ways.
Every day Bott Radio Network on 92.3 FM helps me stay focused on the Word of God. This station has brought me back to my Lord Jesus Christ. God Bless you.
My husband and I wanted you to know how much we appreciate the programs you broadcast. Throughout the day you will find us listening to Bott Radio Network! Thank you for bringing these teachers to us. We appreciate the opportunity to grow in our faith.
I’m so grateful for Bott Radio Network and all the excellent Bible teachers. I can, without hesitation, tell everyone I meet that it is of utmost importance for their Christian walk to listen daily and make it a habit to tune in to BRN.
I found myself turning to Bott Radio Network more and more and now I don’t listen to anything else. There is always something interesting on BRN. It helps lift me up at the end of the day. It definitely helps me keep God in perspective.
About 6 years ago I had not been living a Christian life or going to church. God brought me to your radio station at a time when I needed it.
We are thrilled, excited, and grateful for the programming you have brought to this area. We love the news programs. We even have enjoyed the ‘commercials’ on your station…how rare is that?
I listen to Bott Radio Network over Sky Angel, and I really appreciate your ministry and great line-up of preachers.
I drive a truck from Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and back, and I really appreciate Bott Radio Network. It doesn’t matter where I am, I can always find BRN on the dial.
Thank you for Bott Radio Network. I have been listening 30 years and every day is a new day and a wonderful day with you.
What a major blessing Bott Radio Network has been to me. I have been born again since 1979 and have grown more in the last two years than in the previous 26. This radio station has, and is, impacting me for eternity.
Thank you for presenting the gospel in a wonderful way. In a society in which we are bombarded by negative messages and images, it is refreshing to be built up by the messages of ministers and teachers who love the Word of God.
I appreciate the teaching I get on Bott Radio Network. I appreciate how you stay true to God’s Word and are careful about having Godly, discerning people and programs on.
I wanted to thank you for your programming. I listen to you on the way to and from work, which is a 60-mile commute one-way. It is such a breath of fresh air.
I love your broadcast as it ministers to me in a way that is enabling me to understand a lot of the circumstances concerning ministry and the role I play at my local church and my endeavors.
I really appreciate Bott Radio Network for all the encouragement I get. I listen to it every night.
I have been glued to your radio station for the last five years. I am so grateful to God for all the ministries’ well-rounded teaching. It is just incredible. I thank God for Bott Radio Network.
I am traveling through Kansas from Texas to Washington. It is in the wee hours of the morning, but this is a tremendous radio station. I think you all do a tremendous job.
I want to commend your station for putting programs on that really encourage my heart. They lift me up, challenge me, and pierce me with the Word of God, and that is surely what I need.
I have been a regular listener of 103.3 FM in Sioux City and enjoyed it very much. I am getting used to the good programs you have. Now we are listening to you regularly and are very happy.
I found your station about a month ago and really enjoy it. All the ministries are very inspiring to me. I listen to just about all of them.
I just wanted to tell you what a blessing your radio programs are. On my 45-minute drive to work it is so helpful to hear the Word of God. I start my day feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever is going to happen.
I have listened to Bott Radio Network in St. Louis ever since I was been born again. It has the most wonderful programming. Thank you very much for being on the radio.
I have been listening to Bott Radio Network for about two years. Within the past month or so, my 11-year-old son has started listening to BRN. He is learning a lot of things that are very useful to him.
I am so much happier and, through listening to your programs, have learned how to apply the Bible to my life and deal with all of the difficult situations that come with it.
I just love Bott Radio Network. I love the quality of the bible teaching. It is just such a fantastic means of spiritual discipleship.
I am 22 years old and want to thank Bott Radio Network. My brothers and I listen all the time and it has really been an encouragement in our spiritual walk. Keep us in prayer in Oklahoma City.
I hear Bott Radio Network on Newton – 950 AM, and I have really enjoyed everything I hear. I just love it to pieces.
I am really glad Bott Radio Network is in Dodge City now. I am grateful to hear the truth of God, and we want to thank you.
I have been listening to Bott Radio for over 30 years. My kids grew up listening to it. Thanks so much for helping me raise my kids.
I have been listening to Bott Radio Network on Kansas City – 92.3 FM for about 30 years. I am grateful to God for this station. You do a wonderful job. I have been blessed in so many ways.
I just love Bott Radio Network. I think it is an excellent radio station and I can’t do without it at work, home, and while driving. Thank you for such a wonderful station that reaches the hearts of many people each and every day.
I appreciate Bott Radio Network news and teaching. I enjoy listening and it really builds up my faith. It is like having a sermon every day of the week, all day long.
I love Bott Radio Network, as it is a great network with great programs. I love listening to it and learning from it. Thanks a lot!
I just want to say how much I enjoy the ministries you have on in the early morning hours. Sometimes when I can’t sleep I turn the radio on and listen. I have been listening for about a month now, and it has really ministered to my heart.
My praise and thanks to God for Bott Radio Network. The word of God changes me and the situation I am experiencing now. God’s Word changes my hopelessness to hopefulness. He lifts me up out of my pain.
I appreciate your programming. It is incredible! Every day Bott Radio Network helps me become more grounded as a believer. When I am having a bad day or rough day at work, I turn it on and it really encourages me.
I have been listening to your station since I moved to Kansas. I wondered if I’d find a good station here, and thank the Lord I found one that proclaims the Word of God. Keep up the good work and I will keep on listening.
I have been listening to your station for about as long as you have been on the air. I was saved maybe a year after you came on the air.
I just wanted to tell you what a blessing this radio station is to me. I do a paper route in the mornings and it is about three and a half hours long and I listen to one pastor after the other on Bott Radio Network. It is encouraging and helps me get through the rest of my day.
Bott Radio Network has been such a huge blessing and big part of my life since I was 16 years old. I am now 31. Without Bott Radio Network I don’t know what I would have done. It has been such a wonderful, wonderful blessing.
Bott Radio Network is my lifeline 24 hours, 7 days a week. I love it. It is a blessing from the Lord. Thank you for being on.
I listen to you all day long in the car and at home and my husband has the radio on Bott Radio Network all day while he works, too. Thank you for helping us to grow in the Lord and be encouraged in times when we are down.
I am a mother of three, and I run a business. Your station helps me get my daily dose of bible study. The ministers on there really speak to my heart.
I just want to say that you are doing a great job and so glad you are teaching the Word that I think God wants his people to hear. I enjoy it so much and have it on 24/7.
I listen to you on 99.9 FM and you give me hope and spiritual guidance in everything. You are a really big part of my life and I listen to you all the time. I don’t know where I would be without you.
I want to compliment you on your programming. I have been a born-again Christian for a long time. I enjoy listening to messages, and think it is a wonderful asset to listening to them.
Bott Radio Network has been a great strength to me for about 20 years. Through the years I have truly been fed through your programs and by reading the Word. I let everyone know how much your station means to me.
I am so blessed by the messages I hear on Bott Radio Network. I am extremely blessed by the other peoples’ comments I hear and it touches my heart that your station brings such good messages to those who need to hear it.
All my radios are tuned to your station so that I can walk from room to room and still listen to the programs as I don’t want to miss anything.
My wife and I listen daily. It has definitely made a difference in our family, marriage, and spiritual walk.
I have been listening to various programs on your network for 15 years, and it has truly been a blessing in my life. Thank you for the work you do.
I travel all over the country driving a truck for a living. I can’t wait to get back in the area where I can tune you in and listen to God’s Word. It just makes my day worthwhile.
Recently, Bott Radio Network was a comfort to me in the passing of my father. I didn’t know how to deal with losing a parent, and listening to the various ministries really helped me to stand on my faith in God.
Your teachings have made a big difference in my daily walk with Christ and have kept my eyes in Him.
I listen to your program at all times in my car and have listened to Bott Radio Network’s many superior teachers and preachers for 14 years. It has dramatically shaped my thinking and worldview as a Christian.
My wife and I moved here from Pennsylvania and thought we would not find a good radio station, but found you. I thank you for having a ministry that serves God and thank you for being here.
I have listened to your station for quite some time and thoroughly enjoy it and appreciate the spiritual help I get from many of the preachers.
I really appreciate Bott Radio Network for airing God’s Word in a time when it is being suppressed. I appreciate you being true to His Word and putting it out there for all of us to be saved who hear the Word and believe.
I just started listening to Bott Radio Network about four months ago. I really enjoy it, and it has really helped me get through some tough times.
Thank you so much for Bott Radio Network. I listen to it practically all day long, and there are so many programs that I thrive on. I get so much of the Word.
I do most of my trucking between Salina, Kansas, and St. Louis, Missouri. I am so thankful that Bott Radio Network has a station all the way across that area.
Thank you for all the insight and variety of information you give the Christian listener. It is just phenomenal, and I listen to you every day.
Thank you very much for coming into Southwest Kansas with your quality Bible teaching ministry. There has been a lack of sound Bible teaching in rural Kansas, and we appreciate your coming into this area.
Thank you for spreading the Good News to believers like me. After four years of listening to Bott Radio Network, I know I am closer to the Lord. There has to be thousands of people out there who feel just like me.
I have been listening to your station for 12 years and it has really brought me closer to the Lord.
I have been listening for over 20 years and grown tremendously in the Lord. I appreciate that Bott Radio Network is doctrinally sound-the preaching and teaching of God’s Word is uncompromised, and it has truly been a blessing to me.
We listen to Bott Radio Network in the house and the car, and it means so much. You do more for us than you can imagine. God bless all of you who have a hand in this ministry.
I appreciate the message every day you send through the airwaves. I thank the Lord that He is present in my house. Thank you very much and God bless you.
I have been listening to Bott Radio Network for about ten years now and wanted to say thank you for what you do. Keep up the good work, as you are making a big impact in this area through teaching the truth, and I really appreciate it.
Bott Radio Network has been a blessing to me. The ministries are great, truthful, and give a lot of wisdom and in-depth studying of the Bible. Keep up the great work and may God continue to bless you all.
I have been listening to Bott Radio Network since it has been on the air. Not only do I listen, but my daughter and granddaughters listen as well. We have been so blessed with the ministry.
I listen to the Bott Radio Network every day and love it. It has been an enrichment to my life. I encourage all my friends to listen. I thank God for you guys every day.
Thank you for Bott Radio Network and all the many blessings you have brought to me and others. It is a great radio station, and I love listening to it.
I am a truck driver and thank the Lord for your radio network. Many times on my trips I search through Christian radio stations and yours, by far, is the one that honors so greatly.
I love Bott Radio Network and keep it on 24 hours a day.
I thank God for the blessing Bott Radio Network brings to this city. It is inspirational and needed. I am glad BRN is in our lives. It is an inspiration to me every day.
I want to give God the glory and praise because all my children found Christ in the last three weeks. God bless you, Bott Radio Network, and keep it coming.
Twenty-four years ago I was a lonely, depressed bartender who happened to hear Christian radio. That night I asked Jesus into my heart. Thank you, Bott Radio Network. I am a life that was changed through your radio ministry.
I moved to White House and finding a good Christian radio station was important to me. My new pastor told me about Bott Radio Network. On BRN I found a lot of old friends.
I found Bott Radio Network by mistake and am enjoying every minute of listening to you. I think your programs are a wonderful alternative, and I was looking for an alternative to bring me closer to the Lord.
I just discovered your network a couple of weeks ago. I am enjoying it very much. I just moved here from south of Houston and am happy to meet people who love the Lord and His word.
I have been a long-time listener and really appreciate all the wonderful ministries on your station, and have been enlightened and blessed by many of them.
It is so important for us in the workplace to be encouraged during the week with some sound teaching. We want to thank Bott Radio Network for keeping us in the workplace going.
I just found your station 1580 AM about two days ago and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy it. I will be referring this station to friends and family.
I haven’t called you in about 20 years or so and thought I would call again. I have appreciated your station now as I did then. I am still here and still listening, and thank God you are still there.
Every day I am anxious to get in my car and drive along and listen to the many broadcasts you have that impact my life on a daily basis.
I listen to Bott Radio Network on the way to work…it is wonderful to know I can have some peace before I get to work. It is a time to regroup and think on the wonderful things of God and family.
By staying tuned to Bott Radio Network, I get wonderful financial advice, interesting talk shows, and clear, Godly teaching.
Bott Radio Network is a great inspiration. When I am at work, you are on the air and on my way home and when I get home. Basically, I have you on 24 hours a day. Welcome aboard and to east Texas.
I am a shut-in, so it is very important for me to continue to get the Word of the Lord and have an association with the Christian community, even if it is over radio.
I want to say thank you for the Biblical teaching. It is amazing-everything from the commercials to the word of God on your station. Thank you, as it helps me in my walk to grow stronger in Christ.
For three years I have been listening to Bott Radio Network (BRN). I was homeless and just getting to know the Lord. All I had was my Bible and BRN. Now I have a family and they listen to BRN.
I am very pleased with the programming I hear on Bott Radio Network. I really enjoy the spiritual content of the messages. I am also impressed by the knowledge and wisdom of many of the programs and the people who put them together.
We so much enjoy your station and get so many blessings from the programs. We both love the Lord and think your station brings that out. We both thank you for all your efforts to proclaim the Gospel.
I am blind right now with cataracts and won’t have surgery for awhile. I love listening to Bott Radio Network on Sky Angel. I am so thankful for it.
I am a retired teacher but also have a little church I preach for. I get a lot of sermon ideas from your programming. I just want you to know that you are a real blessing to me.
In my own struggles, just listening to Bott Radio Network on a daily basis has been an incredible blessing to my life. May God continue to work powerfully through your ministry. I know it touches the hearts of many.
I just want to praise God and give thanks for Bott Radio Network. I have a disability and can’t get out, but Bott Radio Network is like a friend who comes in and tells about Jesus and all the wonderful things He has done.
It doesn’t matter how stressed or hard my day has been, when I turn the radio on it always lifts my spirits and makes me realize that God in taking care of everything and I really don’t have anything to worry about.
I became a believer but had struggled with my conscience and finding Jesus up until that point. In God’s perfect timing he showered His grace on me when I finally surrendered myself and dropped the weight of sin at the cross.
Your programming has taken me through a really turbulent time. I just was feeling so low. Then I decided to turn on the radio and there you were. One program ministry after the other brought me back to life. I appreciate you so much.
I found (or the Lord showed me) Bott Radio Network by chance one day, and I have never changed the station. I started attending a Christian church and was baptized about a month ago. The Lord is doing wonderful things in my life all because BRN was there for me.
I am a police officer and enjoy listening to God’s Word on Bott Radio Network. I pray God will give me wisdom and understanding for every situation I face on the job and in my personal life. Listening to BRN helps keep my heart and mind fixed on God’s everlasting truth.
I was saved while listening to this station, and asked Jesus to come into my heart during the wrap-up of a program. I have been listening ever since.
I have listened to 107.9 FM ever since it came to Kirksville. Christian radio helped my wife and I gain wisdom in our relationship as husband and wife, raise our children, witness to others and strengthened and encouraged us along the way. Many times I have heard a program at work or in my car and get excited about sharing it with my wife or family. I thank God for the ability to go to the Bott Radio Network website and play back what I heard for my wife and family.
Thanks so much for the ministry Bott Radio Network’s programming plays in my spiritual life. You’ve lifted my heart often as I listen regularly to programs you air. Our family is going through situations financially that are testing our faith to the ultimate degree. Some days it’s all I can do to stay focused. I can’t begin to share how the Holy Spirit just leads each day through these servants of the Word. Thank you for airing such good news.
Until I discovered Bott Radio Network I was what I call a “Christian of convenience”?. I only went to church, studied the Bible or listened to Christian radio when it suited me or I had nothing better to do. But one day I was scanning through radio stations and came upon BRN at 90.1 FM. I was immediately hooked. That same day I put BRN in the #1 slot of my radio presets. It doesn’t matter how stressed or hard my day has been, when I turn the radio on it always lifts my spirits and makes me realize that God in taking care of everything and I really don’t have anything to worry about.
I pray for Bott Radio Network often because your programming has been such an integral part of my growth as a new Christian. I recommend it to EVERYONE.
I love to hear God’s Word being preached and taught! It is such a blessing to listen to diligent and gifted men and women teaching God’s Word. What a blessing the radio waves are for the Lord. I became a believer in August, 2004, but had struggled with my conscience and finding Jesus up until that point. In God’s perfect timing it happened. He showered his grace on me one morning when I finally surrendered myself and dropped the weight of sin at the cross.
I want to thank Bott Radio Network for being there for me. I experienced congestive heart failure two years ago and have been kind of like a shut in, but your station has really me grow in the Lord and keep me up. I am learning so much from the wonderful teaching of the pastors. I have listened to Bott for at least 30 some years, and I pray that you never go off the air and grow and expand to other areas so other people can be blessed.
I would like to thank God for all who are a part of Bott Radio Network. I am a police officer and enjoy listening to God’s Word on your radio station. I always pray that God will give me wisdom and understanding for every situation that I face on the job and in my personal life. Listening to BRN helps me keep my heart and mind fixed on God’s everlasting truth.
I was baptized in July of 2002 and within 2 months faded from my faith. To make a long story short, around March 2003, I discovered Bott Radio Network and decided to live my life for Christ! I am so much happier and, through listening to your programs, have learned how to apply the Bible to my life and deal with all of the difficult situations that come with it. Listening has changed my life forever!
We enjoy the programming Bott Radio Network provides in our business. It is a small family-owned Christian business and we enjoy playing your station for our customers. It is uplifting to us every day.
I would like to thank the ministries on Bott Radio Network for coming into my life. I listen religiously every day. I have also reconciled lately with my wife after being separated for two years. The first time I was with her, the Lord wasn’t included. But this time when I go back I am taking the Lord with me and will bring my family to know Him.
I started listening to Bott Radio Network about 25 years ago. I am convinced that, in my unsaved condition at the time, I was hearing a truth I needed to know. BRN programs have been one of God’s instruments to bring me to Him. I can never express fully enough my gratitude to you for assembling the sound teachers you present on a daily basis.
For the past eight months I have been going through a very dark time spiritually. Of course our God is faithful, so that even in the darkest of times, when we don’t know He’s working, He works! One of the things that helped me through was tuning in to Bott Radio Network knowing I would hear something uplifting, encouraging or enlightening. It has helped me keep my mind on Jesus and bring my thoughts captive to Christ. I believe your efforts will make an eternal difference for me and so many others.
When our family approaches situations that we are unprepared to deal with, I know that I can get the help I need from one of the numerous Bott Radio Network ministries. I can not tell you how many times God has spoken to us through your station or where we might be had BRN not come into our lives.
Your radio station programming helps me keep my focus on the Lord throughout my day. Thank you so much for your faithfulness to the Lord and for ministering to people like me.
Bott Radio Network has been a big inspiration to me. I recently started going back to church and have my kids going with me, and we are loving it. You are bringing forth and confirming good news that I have already heard, and giving me something more to believe in. I appreciate your commitment to the Lord.
I just want to say how much I enjoy your programs. They are such a blessing. On days when I’m down, I turn on the radio and it really changes my day.
I have been listening to Bott Radio Network for about a month, and it has been such an encouraging thing for me. It is helping me to turn my life over to God even more. I look forward to continuing to listening to BRN in the future.
Your programming has affected and changed by life. I have been saved by Bott Radio Network. Everyone begins to drift now and then, and it is a station like BRN that brings everyone back to where they should be.
The programs I listen to on Bott Radio Network strengthen my walk with God everyday. I have encouraged many, many people to listen, and I thank you for being there, because it allows me to help others by pointing them in the right direction.
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the uncompromising teaching and unwavering focus on Christ that your programs offer. Even though I attend church every week, I find myself so spiritually starved on a day-to-day basis. Thank you for your ministry and for bringing your broadcasts to the St. Louis area.
I turned the radio on to Bott Radio Network and it has been on that station ever since. Your station is encouraging, spirit-filling and uplifting, and I keep it turned on in my heart as well.
Thank you for your programming. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping at night, so I turn on Sky Angel to Bott Radio Network. I really appreciate all of the ministries you have on. BRN has been very meaningful to me and means a lot to my faith.
I was recently going through a break-up in a relationship and so down I could hardly get out of bed. As I lay in bed I decided to turn on the radio, and a ministry on Bott Radio Network talked me out of a really low point in my life. I was almost thankful for the experience I had because I discovered your great ministry. I learned that the suffering I was going through really had a purpose.
Whenever I lead somebody to Christ I always tell them to preset their radio to 99.9 FM so they can grow in Christ. Thank you again for your ministry. It is vital in this area.
Whenever I lead somebody to Christ I always tell them to preset their radio to 99.9 FM so they can grow in Christ. Thank you again for your ministry. It is vital in this area.
Over the 20 plus years I have been saved, Bott Radio Network has encouraged me and helped me to grow strong in my faith. Now I am encouraging my whole church to turn to this station.
Bott Radio Network has been my lifeline lately. It is the only thing that has kept me going. The Lord has always provided just what I need. When I am down and out the most, I can always turn to your radio station and the Lord gives me just what I need to carry me one more day. You are a blessing to a lot of people by bringing them the Word.
Two years ago I had three strokes and a heart attack. During my rehab I would listen to the radio, and one day I came across Bott Radio Network. It has changed my life forever. Slowly I came to realize that I am not in control of my life—God is. Bott Radio Network is the reason for much joy in my life in Christ.
My 24-year-old son listens to Bott Radio Network. He has really turned his life around by listening to you and has turned me on to your radio station. This is a blessed station, and I have already seen the acts of God work in my life.
I was saved while listening to this station, and asked Jesus to come into my heart during the wrap-up of a program. I have been listening ever since.
I have listened to 107.9 FM ever since it came to Kirksville. Christian radio helped my wife and I gain wisdom in our relationship as husband and wife, raise our children, witness to others and strengthened and encouraged us along the way. Many times I have heard a program at work or in my car and get excited about sharing it with my wife or family. I thank God for the ability to go to the Bott Radio Network website and play back what I heard for my wife and family.
Thanks so much for the ministry Bott Radio Network‘s programming plays in my spiritual life. You’ve lifted my heart often as I listen regularly to programs you air. Our family is going through situations financially that are testing our faith to the ultimate degree. Some days it’s all I can do to stay focused. I can’t begin to share how the Holy Spirit just leads each day through these servants of the Word. Thank you for airing such good news.
Until I discovered Bott Radio Network I was what I call a “Christian of convenience”?. I only went to church, studied the Bible or listened to Christian radio when it suited me or I had nothing better to do. But one day I was scanning through radio stations and came upon BRN at 90.1 FM. I was immediately hooked. That same day I put BRN in the #1 slot of my radio presets. It doesn’t matter how stressed or hard my day has been, when I turn the radio on it always lifts my spirits and makes me realize that God in taking care of everything and I really don’t have anything to worry about.
I pray for Bott Radio Network often because your programming has been such an integral part of my growth as a new Christian. I recommend it to EVERYONE.
I love to hear God’s Word being preached and taught! It is such a blessing to listen to diligent and gifted men and women teaching God’s Word. What a blessing the radio waves are for the Lord. I became a believer in August, 2004, but had struggled with my conscience and finding Jesus up until that point. In God’s perfect timing it happened. He showered his grace on me one morning when I finally surrendered myself and dropped the weight of sin at the cross.
Your programming has just taken me through a really turbulent time. I just was laying there in bed and feeling so low. Then I decided to turn on the radio and there you were. One program ministry after the other literally took me off the bed and brought me back to life. I appreciate you so much.
I want to thank Bott Radio Network for being there for me. I experienced congestive heart failure two years ago and have been kind of like a shut in, but your station has really me grow in the Lord and keep me up. I am learning so much from the wonderful teaching of the pastors. I have listened to Bott for at least 30 some years, and I pray that you never go off the air and grow and expand to other areas so other people can be blessed.
I have been listening to Bott Radio Network for a couple of years now and have been truly blessed by your programming. I found (or I should say the Lord showed me) BRN by chance one day, and I have never changed the channel. I was “reeled in by God”? and started attending a Christian church. I was baptized about a month ago, and the Lord is doing wonderful things in my life. All this happened because BRN was there for me to listen to.
I would like to thank God for all who are a part of Bott Radio Network. I am a police officer and enjoy listening to God’s Word on your radio station. I always pray that God will give me wisdom and understanding for every situation that I face on the job and in my personal life. Listening to BRN helps me keep my heart and mind fixed on God’s everlasting truth.
I was baptized in July of 2002 and within 2 months faded from my faith. To make a long story short, around March 2003, I discovered Bott Radio Network and decided to live my life for Christ! I am so much happier and, through listening to your programs, have learned how to apply the Bible to my life and deal with all of the difficult situations that come with it. Listening has changed my life forever!
We enjoy the programming Bott Radio Network provides in our business. It is a small family-owned Christian business and we enjoy playing your station for our customers. It is uplifting to us every day.
I would like to thank the ministries on Bott Radio Network for coming into my life. I listen religiously every day. I have also reconciled lately with my wife after being separated for two years. The first time I was with her, the Lord wasn’t included. But this time when I go back I am taking the Lord with me and will bring my family to know Him.
I started listening to Bott Radio Network about 25 years ago. I am convinced that, in my unsaved condition at the time, I was hearing a truth I needed to know. BRN programs have been one of God’s instruments to bring me to Him. I can never express fully enough my gratitude to you for assembling the sound teachers you present on a daily basis.
For the past eight months I have been going through a very dark time spiritually. Of course our God is faithful, so that even in the darkest of times, when we don’t know He’s working, He works! One of the things that helped me through was tuning in to Bott Radio Network knowing I would hear something uplifting, encouraging or enlightening. It has helped me keep my mind on Jesus and bring my thoughts captive to Christ. I believe your efforts will make an eternal difference for me and so many others.
When our family approaches situations that we are unprepared to deal with, I know that I can get the help I need from one of the numerous Bott Radio Network ministries. I can not tell you how many times God has spoken to us through your station or where we might be had BRN not come into our lives.
Your radio station programming helps me keep my focus on the Lord throughout my day. Thank you so much for your faithfulness to the Lord and for ministering to people like me.
Bott Radio Network has been a big inspiration to me. I recently started going back to church and have my kids going with me, and we are loving it. You are bringing forth and confirming good news that I have already heard, and giving me something more to believe in. I appreciate your commitment to the Lord.
I just want to say how much I enjoy your programs. They are such a blessing. On days when I’m down, I turn on the radio and it really changes my day.
I have been listening to Bott Radio Network for about a month, and it has been such an encouraging thing for me. It is helping me to turn my life over to God even more. I look forward to continuing to listening to BRN in the future.
Your programming has affected and changed by life. I have been saved by Bott Radio Network. Everyone begins to drift now and then, and it is a station like BRN that brings everyone back to where they should be.
The programs I listen to on Bott Radio Network strengthen my walk with God everyday. I have encouraged many, many people to listen, and I thank you for being there, because it allows me to help others by pointing them in the right direction.
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the uncompromising teaching and unwavering focus on Christ that your programs offer. Even though I attend church every week, I find myself so spiritually starved on a day-to-day basis. Thank you for your ministry and for bringing your broadcasts to the St. Louis area.
I turned the radio on to Bott Radio Network and it has been on that station ever since. Your station is encouraging, spirit-filling and uplifting, and I keep it turned on in my heart as well.
Thank you for your programming. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping at night, so I turn on Sky Angel to Bott Radio Network. I really appreciate all of the ministries you have on. BRN has been very meaningful to me and means a lot to my faith.
I was recently going through a break-up in a relationship and so down I could hardly get out of bed. As I lay in bed I decided to turn on the radio, and a ministry on Bott Radio Network talked me out of a really low point in my life. I was almost thankful for the experience I had because I discovered your great ministry. I learned that the suffering I was going through really had a purpose.
Whenever I lead somebody to Christ I always tell them to preset their radio to 99.9 FM so they can grow in Christ. Thank you again for your ministry. It is vital in this area.
Over the 20 plus years I have been saved, Bott Radio Network has encouraged me and helped me to grow strong in my faith. Now I am encouraging my whole church to turn to this station.
Two years ago I had three strokes and a heart attack. During my rehab I would listen to the radio, and one day I came across Bott Radio Network. It has changed my life forever. Slowly I came to realize that I am not in control of my life—God is. Bott Radio Network is the reason for much joy in my life in Christ.
Bott Radio Network has been my lifeline lately. It is the only thing that has kept me going. The Lord has always provided just what I need. When I am down and out the most, I can always turn to your radio station and the Lord gives me just what I need to carry me one more day. You are a blessing to a lot of people by bringing them the Word.