Dealing with a Difficult Diagnosis » Audio Archive »

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July 21, 2020

Dealing with a Difficult Diagnosis

Hey friends, This isn't the first time the Stanfords have discussed dealing with a difficult medical diagnosis on this show. For Shane and Pokey, this topic has hit close to home for more than three decades. Shane has battled HIV and hemophilia since he was a teenager, and when you've got tough diagnoses like those, things can start to look very grim very quickly. This episode feels even more important now that we're months into this jarring, inexplicable pandemic. I've felt myself getting more and more exhausted as the days and weeks stretch on. The news comes in waves, never-ending, and I'm starting to see people I know and love getting this virus. How do we handle something like this as followers of Jesus? How can we possibly have the hope that Paul and James talk about in their letters? The truth is, the secret to the hope-filled life won't come from a seminar or a book from a well-known author. It won't come from a news story or a Facebook post. The real, Tuesday-morning-in-a-pandemic, deeply-rooted hope that transcends world events and tragedies is something that can only grow inside us a day at a time through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Stanfords give some really great examples of how to take difficult circumstances a day at a time and seek after the One who can give you true hope. 1. React honestly; 2. Reflect on the path forward; 3. Resource accordingly; 4. Respond faithfully; 5. Remember, you are more than the sum of what you survive. We would love to hear from you, friends. If you're walking through a difficult diagnosis, have a prayer request, or just want to share some comments with Pastor Shane, you can email him at [email protected]. If you have technical questions, are interested in being a contributor with You Matter Ministry, or want to become a sponsor of the show, you can email me at [email protected]. As always, we want you to visit our website at Go into the world and be salt and light. You matter, friends! God bless, Jonathan Gibson - Executive Producer, You Matter Ministry

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