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August 22, 2020

Teens and Parents

This weekend on the broadcast, Jaquelle Crowe shares what her parents did right in giving her a strong faith. Her dad, Sean Crow, shares how important it is to live a transparent life in front of your children. Listen as we strive to help parents raise godly teens of character, on FamilyLife This Week.


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Notable Quotes …America Should Remember, in Times Like These!

Quotes by: U.S. Supreme Court – 1885; President Harry Truman; William Penn; Noah Webster; John Jay (1st Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court); Samuel Adams; Daniel Webster; Earl Warren (Governor of California who became Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court); U.S. Supreme Court – 1892; President Abraham Lincoln; Jedediah More (Founding Educator); President John Quincy Adams; Abigail Adams, and more…..“Got Any Rivers” – Jonathan Milam; “Train Up a Child” – Steve Green



Pregnant With Expectation

All creation groans as it waits for full and final restoration and redemption. We may suffer now, but our heavenly reward is worth the wait! Anticipate the imminent return of Jesus Christ as Pastor Jack talks about our hope and expectation in today’s episode of Real Life TV.

Broadcast Episode


Kidnapped by Terrorists, Interrogated by Police, Church Worker says, “God Was With Me”

Brother Job thought it would be just another day. He was walking to work at a church in North Africa when he was accosted by four men with knives. The terrorists forced him into a vehicle and drove him away. “It’s my last day on this earth, ” Job thought to himself. Growing up in a Muslim family in North Africa, Job knew there would be persecution when he left Islam to follow Jesus. He came to faith—along with other members of his family—after seeing a satellite TV program where a former Muslim from Morocco named Brother Rachid answers the questions of Muslims and points them to Jesus. (Hear more about Brother Rachid’s testimony and ministry in this episode of VOM Radio. ) After coming to Christ, Job felt a passion and calling to tell others about Jesus. He became involved in church ministry, including media ministry. He knew there were risks, yet he boldly put his own face and testimony online. Angry Muslims saw him as a traitor and an apostate. Kidnapped by terrorists, held at knife point with a hood over his head, Job believed he would soon be killed. He was at peace with losing his own life, but was concerned about his wife and young children who would be left behind. Who would care for them? Thankfully, the terrorists did not kill Brother Job, but released him. But his trials were not over. Reporting his kidnapping to local police, Job was treated as a criminal instead of a true crime victim. He was interrogated repeatedly about why he’d left Islam and become a Christian. He took advantage of the opportunity to boldly share his testimony and explain the gospel message—right in the police station, with 20 officers listening. Whether kidnapped by terrorists or interrogated by angry police officers, Job says, “I never felt alone. ” Listen to Brother Job recount his kidnapping and the lessons God taught him through his first-hand Christian persecution experience. Today Job prepares new believers with the understanding that persecution is to be expected in the life of a Christian. He will also help us pray for persecuted Christians in North Africa. Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcast. Or you can listen each week—and get daily prayer reminders—in the VOM App for your smartphone or tablet.

Broadcast Episode


Freedom From Worry - Embracing God's Provision

In his four-part series, "Freedom Fom Worry," Pastor Allen addresses the topic of worry and its effects on our lives. In Matthew 6 - 25-34, Jesus tells us four times not to worry. Worry was as much a part of people's lives in Jesus' time as it is today. Yet, Jesus is still commanding us to not worry, but to trust in the Lord. In a time when worry, anxiety and fear are epidemic in our society, Pastor Allen stresses the fact that worry is a sin that will, in time, erode God's best or our lives. Worry and faith are directly related. Giving in to our worries causes us to believe what WE think, feel and believe over what God says, thinks, and has for us. This makes a god out of ourselves and strangles our faith, leaving us weak and unable to stand. Thankfully, Pastor Allen reassures us that if Jesus tells us not to do something, He has also given us the power not do it. That power comes in our ability to have a greater awareness of eternity. By embraing the gift of the Holy Spirit, we can have the power, love, and peace of mind that God provides for us. This transfer of trust that must take place in order for us to gain freedom from worry can only occur through time spent daily with the Lord, forgivenes of others, letting go of our past failures, and allowing ourselves to dream.

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How Can It Be?

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