Program 3708 “Jessica” (PG) » Audio Archive » Unshackled!


Christian talk radio with Radio Drama Production


Broadcast Episode

February 06, 2022

Program 3708 "Jessica" (PG)

3708 Jessica (PG) (Fornication, Back-slidden) As a child, Jessica felt free and happy inside her body when she was playing sports. But as she matured, she began to feel a disconnect. She received mixed messages from church, home and her friends about how to relate to boys and she soon started hooking up, just like most of her friends were. When she went to college, she began to feel objectified and hurt not to experience any deeper connection with the men she slept with. A visit home with her mom and former youth leader compelled her to visit a church where she met an older couple, Sara and Tom. Their marriage and commitment to one another inspired Jessica and helped her see God’s vision for intimacy in a new light. She repented and began down a different path; even though that meant she would have to wait for the guy who would understand and respect her choices.

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About Unshackled!

Unshackled! is radio drama produced in a unique way. As it has been since 1945, writers, actors, and musicians combine to create a dramatic presentation that demonstrates the power of God to reach and change man. Today, Unshackled! is still produced very much as it has always been. Original music is still woven "live" through the story at the time of production. Sound effects occur as the story unfolds before an appreciative live audience. Unshackled! is a ministry of Pacific Garden Mission. Known as the Old Lighthouse, Pacific Garden Mission has since 1877 preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to lost men and women of the street while at the same time meeting their material and physical needs.

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