My Friend Would Rather Join His Wife in Hell than Go to Heaven. What Should I Say? » Audio Archive » Core Christianity

Core Christianity

Christian talk radio with Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier


Broadcast Episode

May 23

My Friend Would Rather Join His Wife in Hell than Go to Heaven. What Should I Say?

If no one has ever seen God the Father, has Jesus seen God? What will people who are going to hell say to God on the day of judgment? What can I say to my friend who would rather be in hell with his wife? If a pregnant woman is raptured, what will happen to her baby? Should I stay in a church that emphasizes self-interest?

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About Core Christianity

Core Christianity is a daily program that has a Bible Q&A format. Together, Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer any and all questions about the Bible, theology, and matters of religion.

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Broadcast Episode


Can Jesus Heal Me of Sexual Shame after Being Abused?

Episode 1518 | Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions. Show Notes   1. What role should a Christian play in addressing social justice issues? 2. How should Christians regard disgraced pastors who were good teachers? 3. Can Jesus heal me of my sexual shame after suffering abuse?

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Monday, June 24

Christian Courage in the Face of Injustice

In difficult moments, with our backs against the wall, we are tempted to compromise our beliefs and the true mettle of our character is tested. However, by the Lord’s grace, when we make the right decisions in difficult places, we see a powerful display of God’s protection and providence.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, June 24

How Do I Share the Gospel with Someone Who Thinks They Don't Need It?

What can I do if my church has bad elders? How can I avoid the temptation to steal in the grocery store? How can I share the gospel with someone who thinks they don't need it? Is portraying Jesus in film a violation of the second commandment?

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Friday, June 21

How do I talk with my kids about Jesus?

In my experience, our kids talk with us about their struggles when we talk with them about our own struggles.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, June 21

Do Protestants Have the "Fullness of the Faith"?

Does 2 John 2:8 teach that it is possible to lose salvation? Is the Rapture Biblical? What is the "third year" referenced in Deuteronomy 26:12? What is the "fullness of the faith"? Is 1 Thessalonians 4:16 about the Rapture or the Second Coming of Jesus?

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