My Friend Would Rather Join His Wife in Hell than Go to Heaven. What Should I Say? » Audio Archive » Core Christianity

Core Christianity

Christian talk radio with Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier


Broadcast Episode

Thursday, May 23

My Friend Would Rather Join His Wife in Hell than Go to Heaven. What Should I Say?

If no one has ever seen God the Father, has Jesus seen God? What will people who are going to hell say to God on the day of judgment? What can I say to my friend who would rather be in hell with his wife? If a pregnant woman is raptured, what will happen to her baby? Should I stay in a church that emphasizes self-interest?

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About Core Christianity

Core Christianity is a daily program that has a Bible Q&A format. Together, Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer any and all questions about the Bible, theology, and matters of religion.

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Friday, June 14

Should Christians Care about Justice?

Because Jesus reversed Cain’s cry by declaring himself to be his brother’s keeper, we are fueled to take responsibility for our brothers and the strangers within our midst as well.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, June 14

Why Does God Hold Us Accountable for Sin When We Don’t Choose to Be Born?

Episode 1511 | Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions. Show Notes   1. Is it possible for a Christian to have victory over sin in this life? 2. I have OCD; does God know I can't help my thoughts? 3. Does God judge infants if they die before they can profess faith? 4. Why does God hold us accountable for sin when we don't choose to be born?

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, June 13

Should Christians Avoid Wearing Jeans on Sunday Mornings?

What is the "Law of Christ"? Should pastors correct people for wearing jeans at church? How can I respond when people try to disprove the Bible by misquoting it? What should I look for in a worship service?

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, June 12

Are Christian Marriages Always Supposed to Be Exciting?

Should I leave my church if I'm no longer aligned with their theology? How can I know that I am saved? Should Christian marriages always be exciting? Can angels and demons affect the physical world?

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, June 11

Are All "Ghost Sightings" Inherently Evil?

How can I explain the Trinity to my doubting friend? What does "raca" mean in Matthew 5:22? Are "ghosts sightings" always evil? Should I continue as a leader in my church if my daughter is rebelling?

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