50 Questions to Ask Your Kids at the Dinner Table » Audio Archive » Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Christian talk radio with Jim Daly



April 05

50 Questions to Ask Your Kids at the Dinner Table

Having conversations with our kids is critical for building a solid foundation of trust, demonstrating steadfast love, and teaching them how to grow as a young person.

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About Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Hosted by Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, this half-hour program is the cornerstone of Focus on the Family's home-strengthening outreach. Focus on the Family provides biblically-based advice for marriage and parenting with heart-touching stories and help for families.

More from Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Broadcast Episode


Finding God’s Peace by Understanding Psalm 23 - I

Can you relate to the metaphor of Jesus as your Good Shepherd? The late Pastor Steve Farrar shares an engaging and humorous message on the imagery of Psalm 23. Learn your own sheep-like qualities and the benefits of having a shepherd to guide you.

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Helping Our Teens Transition to Adulthood

Here are some ways to help teenagers successfully transition into adulthood, without letting your own insecurities stand in the way.

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Understanding How Men and Women are Different in Marriage

Understanding how God made men and women different in marriage is one key to a great relationship. Work with His design rather than against it.

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When Things are Bad at Home

It may seem to others like you have it all together, but inside, you know your marriage is struggling. Carey and Toni Nieuwhof join Jim Daly to share how they reached a crisis in their marriage, even though they were leading a growing church. Also, John and the Smalley's will provide a word of hope if you feel like you have nowhere to turn.

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Teaching Your Kids a Christian Worldview

Many young teens and kids are struggling with their faith. If that starts happening with one of your kids, how should you respond? Danny and John give some reasons why Christianity is true. Plus, J. Warner Wallace shares how he's seen many young people walk away from the faith.

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