From Foster Care to Family: How a Small Church is Making a Big Impact » Audio Archive » Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Christian talk radio with Jim Daly


Broadcast Episode

Monday, July 01

From Foster Care to Family: How a Small Church is Making a Big Impact

Adoption is the ultimate act of love. Guests Bishop Martin, Rebekah Weigel, and Dr. Sharon Ford share the incredible story of how a small church inspired its members to adopt 77 children! Hear their passionate message encouraging the church to step up and provide permanent homes for children in foster care.

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About Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Hosted by Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, this half-hour program is the cornerstone of Focus on the Family's home-strengthening outreach. Focus on the Family provides biblically-based advice for marriage and parenting with heart-touching stories and help for families.

More from Focus on the Family with Jim Daly



Spiritual Maturity and Discernment

In a time where our kids are bombarded with lies and entertainment, how can they find their identity in Christ? Janel Breitenstein and Jim Daly speak about a time she helped her daughter through identity struggles. Then, John and Danny offer some ideas for helping your kids practice wise entertainment choices.

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It’s About Us, Not Me

How do you stay on the same team, even when you are upset at each other? Erin and John discuss some of the underlying reasons why spouses can be competitive against one another. Also, Bill and Pam Farrel speak with Jim Daly about a time they worked through a season where they felt spread thin in their relationship

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How to Deal with Unmet Expectations in Marriage

Recognizing when unmet expectations are the source of anger in your marriage can help you can create an environment for reconciliation.

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Broadcast Episode


The Search for a Godly Spouse – I

What should you look for in a future spouse? Pastor Alistair Begg encourages singles to look beyond physical appearance. Good looks can fade, but godly character will last a lifetime.

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Monday, July 1

Leading Grandchildren to Jesus

As grandparents, we have the unique opportunity to lead our grandchildren towards Jesus through our actions, thoughts, and example.

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