Jesus and LGBTQ+, Pt. 1 » Audio Archive » The Verdict

The Verdict

Christian talk radio with John Munro


Broadcast Episode

Friday, June 28

Jesus and LGBTQ+, Pt. 1

There are many loud voices and strong opinions in our culture on matters of identity, sexuality, and gender. Who are you listening to? Who is your authority? Pastor John Munro focuses on the teaching of Jesus regarding LGBTQ+ issues.

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About The Verdict

In each program, listeners are challenged to turn to the Bible and render a “verdict” as they consider their personal response to the truth of God’s Word. Pastor John Munro presents a clear, no-nonsense examination of Scripture, offering insight and application for all backgrounds, from those unfamiliar with the Gospel to mature believers following Christ.

More from The Verdict

Broadcast Episode


Jesus and LGBTQ+, Pt. 2

“Love is all that matters.” Have you heard this said as different groups advocate for different lifestyles? Who could be against love? In this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro discusses how loving someone doesn’t mean that we always affirm their choices. For followers of Christ, the central issue is the teaching of Jesus and Holy Scripture.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, June 27

Jesus and the Gay Debate, Pt. 2

For followers of Jesus Christ, every aspect of our lives, including our sexuality, must be brought under the lordship of our Savior. In this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro turns our attention to Jesus and the Gay Debate, as we understand the teaching of Jesus on important issues related to marriage and gender.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, June 26

Jesus and the Gay Debate, Pt. 1

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, June 25

Jesus and Divorce, Pt. 2

No one gets married thinking about divorce. Yet in our culture of convenience, marriage is often seen as just another disposable item. Is that how we solve the problems of marriage? Pastor John Munro shares what the Bible has to say about divorce as we explore the teaching of Jesus.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, June 24

Jesus and Divorce, Pt. 1

These days divorce is quite common. We’re told if we’re unhappy, uncertain, or unfulfilled in our marriages, we can just walk away. But what does Jesus say about divorce? Pastor John Munro equips us by returning to the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 19 as we discuss issues of marriage and gender.

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