Jesus and Transgenderism, Pt. 1 » Audio Archive » The Verdict

The Verdict

Christian talk radio with John Munro


Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, July 02

Jesus and Transgenderism, Pt. 1

Identity has become confused, because we’re told that whatever we feel about ourselves is who we really are. But is gender really subjective? Pastor John Munro explores the biblical position on transgenderism, as we learn to recognize God’s design for our lives.

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About The Verdict

In each program, listeners are challenged to turn to the Bible and render a “verdict” as they consider their personal response to the truth of God’s Word. Pastor John Munro presents a clear, no-nonsense examination of Scripture, offering insight and application for all backgrounds, from those unfamiliar with the Gospel to mature believers following Christ.

More from The Verdict

Broadcast Episode


Jesus and a Fresh Start, Pt. 2

Sometimes we make the mistake of letting past sins define us. But God has a far greater plan for our future, and by His grace, we are far more than the sum of our past sins! Pastor John Munro teaches about the fresh start we can all experience through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, July 4

Jesus and a Fresh Start, Pt. 1

We all struggle with sin. But some mistakes can seem so terrible that we feel there’s no way back. Pastor John Munro shows that no matter who you are or what you’ve done, you have the chance for a new beginning, and a fresh start—in Jesus Christ.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, July 3

Jesus and Transgenderism, Pt. 2

God created each one of us in His image, and He doesn’t make mistakes. Pastor John Munro discusses why this is so significant in light of transgenderism, as we continue looking at the teaching of Jesus on these important subjects of identity and gender.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, July 1

Jesus and LGBTQ+, Pt. 2

“Love is all that matters.” Have you heard this said as different groups advocate for different lifestyles? Who could be against love? In this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro discusses how loving someone doesn’t mean that we always affirm their choices. For followers of Christ, the central issue is the teaching of Jesus and Holy Scripture.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, June 28

Jesus and LGBTQ+, Pt. 1

There are many loud voices and strong opinions in our culture on matters of identity, sexuality, and gender. Who are you listening to? Who is your authority? Pastor John Munro focuses on the teaching of Jesus regarding LGBTQ+ issues.

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