Focus on the Family with Jim Daly on Bott Radio

Focus on the Family

Christian talk radio with Jim Daly




Praying in Faith, When it Seems Dark

How do you pray for a child who's far from God? Jim Daly and Dr. Erwin Lutzer will encourage you to not give up, even when your faith is tested regarding your children. Plus, John and Danny share why it matters to persevere in praying for a prodigal child.

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How a Couple Gave Away $1 Million

Small acts of generosity add up over time. Bob and Linda Lotich talk with Jim Daly about how God put it on their hearts to give away $1 million. Then, you'll hear from John Fuller and Greg Smalley who will encourage you and your mate to be generous with even small amounts that you have.

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Tuesday, April 30

Practical Ways to Pray for a Child

Praying for your kids is one of the greatest privileges in life. To help you get started, Jim Daly and Dr. Erwin Lutzer share how praying scripture over your kids is a good strategy. You'll then hear from John and Danny about praying for your kids, even in difficult circumstances.

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Tuesday, April 30

Should You Tithe as a Couple?

Practicing generosity to your local church is a wonderful thing to do as a couple. John and Greg address how they've learned give regularly to their respective church congregations. Also, Jim Daly speaks with Bob and Linda Lotich on why God wants us to be cheerful givers.

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Monday, April 29

The Two Will Become One Flesh Merger Moment

What happens when you have conflict in your marriage? Author Kari Trent Stageberg joins Greg and Erin to discuss the merge moment in her marriage and the steps they took as the two shall become one flesh. Later Greg and Erin will debunk another Marriage Myth and we get a powerful listener question from a woman trying to do everything she can to avoid the dreaded "D'" word.

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Focus on the Family

Hosted by Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, this half-hour program is the cornerstone of Focus on the Family's home-strengthening outreach. Focus on the Family provides biblically-based advice for marriage and parenting with heart-touching stories and help for families.

Contact Information

Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
(800) 232-6459

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