Encouraging Others, Part 2 » Audio Archive » Insight for Living

Insight for Living

Christian talk radio with Chuck Swindoll


Broadcast Episode

April 01, 2020

Encouraging Others, Part 2

When someone crosses the line and offends us, we're naturally inclined to strike back. Harsh words are returned with harsher words. Aggression is returned with deeper aggression. Today Chuck Swindoll reminds us that Christians are called to a much higher standard. And there's nothing quite like a kind word to de-escalate an otherwise volatile standoff between two hostile people.

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About Insight for Living

A 30-minute daily feature "committed to excellence in communicating Biblical truth and its application," Insight for Living has received tremendous response from across the country and around the world since its inception in 1977. Insight features the practical Bible teaching of best-selling author Chuck Swindoll. Chuck's forthright teaching style hits listeners "right where they live."

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In a frightening vision, the apostle John sees hell itself unleashed upon the earth in a locust-like swarm of demonic activity, carrying out the devastating consequences of sin’s rule. Pastor Chuck Swindoll illuminates Revelation 9: 112, providing important points about demons: they are real and committed to our destruction, but they have limitations, and they must bow to our sovereign Lord, Jesus Christ. Don’t underestimate our enemy, but don’t overestimate him either. Understand God’s ultimate rule even amid the darkness.

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Broadcast Episode


Releasing Demons from the Abyss, Part 1

In a frightening vision, the apostle John sees hell itself unleashed upon the earth in a locust-like swarm of demonic activity, carrying out the devastating consequences of sin’s rule. Pastor Chuck Swindoll illuminates Revelation 9:1-12, providing important points about demons: they are real and committed to our destruction, but they have limitations, and they must bow to our sovereign Lord, Jesus Christ. Don’t underestimate our enemy, but don’t overestimate him either. Understand God’s ultimate rule even amid the darkness.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, April 30

First Blasts of the Trumpet Plagues, Part 3

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, April 29

First Blasts of the Trumpet Plagues, Part 2

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, April 26

First Blasts of the Trumpet Plagues, Part 1

Imagine an event so formidable that all of heaven stops in silence, watching and waiting with reverence. Pastor Chuck Swindoll walks listeners through this collective gasp in John’s description of the seventh seal in Revelation 8:1-13. Destruction from the sky leaves no part of the earth untouched, from the land to the sea. Take in the passage’s underlying truths as Pastor Chuck points out the purpose of prayer, getting God’s message, maintaining a soft heart, and keeping God’s glory paramount.

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