A Life Well Lived » Audio Archive » PowerPoint


Christian talk radio with Jack Graham


Broadcast Episode

Monday, May 27

A Life Well Lived

Pastor Jack Graham wraps up the series Heart of a Champion, with the message, A Life Well Lived. It is the end of David’s story, the shepherd boy who became the great shepherd of God’s people.

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About PowerPoint

PowerPoint is the broadcast ministry of Dr. Jack Graham from Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Convinced that the Kingdom of God is a matter of power, not talk, PowerPoint is committed to helping Christians experience that Kingdom power in every area of their lives. This half-hour broadcast will help Christians apply God's Word to everyday living.

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Broadcast Episode


His Way Over My Way

In the new series Choices, Pastor Jack Graham brings a message from the wisdom found in Proverbs that is real and relevant to us all. Life is a series of choices that determine our destiny, he teaches, and one that we must make every day is to choose His Way Over My Way.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, June 14

A Father's Faith

Today, Pastor Jack Graham looks at a powerful story of faith, when a desperate father finds that only Jesus can save the life of his cherished son, and in doing so, save the father, too.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, June 13

A Commission to Marketplace Evangelism

Join us today for the conclusion of the series, Men of Honor, as Pastor Jack Graham focuses on God’s command to step out of our comfort zone and share the message of salvation with a desperate world.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, June 12

A Connection to Ministry Involvement

Today, Pastor Jack Graham continues the series, Men of Honor, with the words of John the Apostle and the blessing of God’s forgiveness, which cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, June 11

A Covenant to Marriage and Family

Join us today on PowerPoint as Pastor Jack Graham examines the marriage bond as God created it, a holy, heavenly covenant between a man and a woman, and far stronger than any earthly contract.

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