Missions Starts with Encountering God » Audio Archive » The Voice of the Martyrs Radio

The Voice of the Martyrs Radio

Christian talk radio with Todd Nettleton


Broadcast Episode

April 27, 2024

Missions Starts with Encountering God

There are 500, 000 evangelical churches in Latin America, but only 6% of Latino congregations are involved in missions. As executive director of COMHINA, and in his previous work with Operation Mobilization Latin America, Brother Julio wants to increase that percentage! He desires to bring about collaboration between churches and missionary organizations to equip and send out Latino missionaries. Listen for the story of Julio’s own call to missions while living and working in Japan, and how he returned to Brazil and ended up working with and training workers for OM. Hear also how God eventually called Julio and his family to the United States to inspire and commission Spanish-speakers for international cross cultural gospel work through COMHINA, a network of churches and mission organizations. He says that as Latinos are trained and informed about unreached people groups who’ve never heard about Christ, they encounter God and ready to go on mission for Him. Julio has sent many to be witnesses in restricted nations and hostile areas. Listen for the story of how one man used soccer to open doors for ministry in Afghanistan, and how a church leader in Iran told Julio not to feel sorry for persecuted Christians. As Julio sends workers to the harvest, persecution is a reality. “If people pass through those situations,” he says, “they will experience God’s grace in ways that we cannot even train someone on.” Living for Christ in restricted and hostile nations comes with risks, yet the grace of God is ever present with the persecuted church. You can learn more about Julio’s work sending out Spanish-speaking mission workers at the web sites for COMHINA and COMIBAM. Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcast. Or you can listen each week—and get daily prayer reminders—in the VOM App for your smartphone or tablet.

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About The Voice of the Martyrs Radio

Founded by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, The Voice of the Martyrs has been dedicated to assisting persecuted Christians worldwide since 1967—through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. Voice of the Martyrs Radio is the weekly radio outreach of the ministry. Host Todd Nettleton interviews courageous Christians in countries where the gospel is opposed or banned altogether. These brave believers share their stories of how lives are being changed around the world.

Founded by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, The Voice of the Martyrs has been dedicated to assisting persecuted Christians worldwide since 1967—through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. Voice of the Martyrs Radio is the weekly radio outreach of the ministry. Host Todd Nettleton interviews courageous Christians in countries where the gospel is opposed or banned altogether. These brave believers share their stories of how lives are being changed around the world.

More from The Voice of the Martyrs Radio

Broadcast Episode


MISSIONS: Christ Will Empower Us to Take His Message to the World

Four in 10 people on earth have never heard the name of Jesus. Brother Harold, a gospel worker for 15 years among Muslims in Central Asia, joins VOM Radio this week to share what he’s seen and learned during seven years mobilizing missionaries to go into all the world. Harold will share how his own daughter was called to full-time missions and offer advice and encouragement to parents sending out their sons and daughters to be gospel workers, knowing that some will never come back. “There are about 450, 000 Christian missionaries worldwide, ” Harold says, “but only 15, 000 go to the unreached, to the 3. 4 billion unreached people. ” Today Latin American and African churches are on fire for Christ, sending out the greatest number of missionaries to the world. How can the church in North America come alongside these willing workers? Listen as Brother Harold encourages local pastors to be involved and supportive of missions in their congregations, including practical advice to pastors. He will also encourage those of every age to be involved in missions and share the benefits of attending the Perspectives course that helps all believers understand their roles in the Great Commission. Harold also shares a recent experience where he was convicted by God in a taxicab. Pray for unreached people groups to hear the gospel and for missionaries to be sent into the harvest fields. The VOM App for your smartphone or tablet will help you pray daily for persecuted Christians throughout the year, as well as giving free access to e-books, audio books, video content and feature films. Download the VOM App for your iOS or Android device today.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, February 8

MISSIONS: The Nations Are Here

“And he said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” – Luke 10:2 Nathan and Kari have served as gospel workers in South Asia through different seasons of life. Today they serve as leaders there with the International Mission Board (IMB). Listen as they share how they arrived on the mission field from two very different upbringings. Nathan grew up in a family with generations in missionary service. Kari didn’t find Jesus until her 20s—after exploring Hindu and Buddhist teachings and spirituality. Nathan and Kari understand the great need in South Asia for gospel seed planting, harvest and discipleship. The IMB reports that every year there are an average of 106 people groups engaged with the gospel for the first time. “The gospel fire is burning,” Nathan says, “and it’s not waiting for foreign workers but in the hands of locals.” Nathan and Kari will share how they equip both Western gospel workers and local believers to focus on the missionary task. In South Asia, Christian persecution continues, at times propelled by government decrees (like anti-conversion laws in India) and at other times coming from close family members of the believer. Listen as Nathan and Kari share advice to those who are pursuing missions as the Lord calls and how personal spiritual disciplines help sustain us in the tasks the Lord has for us. Pray God will provide more laborers into the unstoppable gospel wildfires around the world. Learn more about the Four Fields mission philosophy at Four Fields of Kingdom Growth.

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Thursday, February 6

Standing Firm After Her Husband's Murder

Victorie and her husband had become followers of Christ, but their families and most of the people in their village follow traditional Voodoo practices. Victorie's in-laws were not happy that the young couple had become Christians. They threatened them and tried to scare them into converting back to pagan beliefs. "We would see blood around the house," Victorie said. One day her husband's parents threatened her. "They told me, ‘If anything happens to our son, it is your fault.'" As Victorie and her husband were returning home from a visit to his family one night, he suddenly collapsed and died shortly afterwards.

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Thursday, February 6

Imprisoned Pastor Dies in Custody

Pastor Diem and his wife, Xa, lived in a majority-Christian community, so they did not face persecution locally. When Diem would travel beyond the village for ministry, however, he was always under scrutiny. On Jan. 5, 2018, police and security officials surrounded the couple's house and announced Diem's arrest on suspicion of anti-government activities. Months of secret court proceedings ended with a 16-year prison sentence for Diem. On Dec. 14, 2022, Diem was permitted to call home and wish his family a merry Christmas. It was the last time Xa heard his voice.

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Thursday, February 6

Pastor's Mob-Wrecked Home Cultivates Christian Unity

Pastor Dulal had received threats because of his Christian witness in his village. But when political upheaval in the summer of 2024 left the area without police or army protection, Muslim extremists took the opportunity to fulfill those threats. Attackers destroyed his home, gouging large holes in the walls and ripping out windows and doors while carrying away anything of value. Dulal said he was thankful that he and his family were not home at the time because he believes the attackers would have killed them.

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